Joined a rock climbing gym


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Jun 7, 2008
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Been doing the same exercise routine for about twenty five years with small variations ever since high school. Needless to say, it has gotten very old. Was looking at various martial arts and other different means that could be integrated into the same old boring routine. So, my brother and I went to a rock climbing gym ten minutes down the street about 4 months ago and totally loved it!!! Don't really know why, but it is so much fun and you don't even think about getting exercise while you are doing it. Got a killer deal on joining and the people there are really nice (similar to this forum). That brought me to my next thought........any other rock climbers on the forum?

Here are a couple of videos on what they call the bouldering cave. One video is a campus problem (no feet) and the other is a V4 route which is fairly difficult. This is the first one that have been able to do so far.:D

20131020 123153 - YouTube

20131020 132607 - YouTube
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I have been a rock climber for almost 20 years. Nothing in the world like it. I have been to tons of interesting places and met some of the most interesting people you could imagine. Not to mention the adrenalin and excitement.

Congrats on joining the gym. Get the basics under your belt and then try to get outside with someone you trust. You will learn a lot more from experiences that "plastic" rocks try to emulate.
I have been a rock climber for almost 20 years. Nothing in the world like it. I have been to tons of interesting places and met some of the most interesting people you could imagine. Not to mention the adrenalin and excitement.

Congrats on joining the gym. Get the basics under your belt and then try to get outside with someone you trust. You will learn a lot more from experiences that "plastic" rocks try to emulate.

Thanks. I have climbed a little bit outside (and enjoyed it). Main focus for me is just to get a different sort of exercise that is fun. You must be awesome at it with 20 years of experience. Very cool!!
I just got back to lifting weights after doing almost nothing for 15 years since college. I'm really into it, but certain it will get old. My buddy is amazing shape and can't' say he's ever seen the inside of a gym. It's all purely from skateboarding and surfing.
I enjoy rock climbing from time to time, I think it's helped me develop an awesome grip.

I'm probably in the same boat, I get bored easily so I like to do stuff a bit differently.

It evolved as regular gym stuff, then I discovered Beast Skills, then rock climbing, then Crossfit. Now I've become interested in submission wrestling (no-gi) and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I still weight train to complement these.

Nothing like spending 5-20minutes sparring with somebody to keep fit, especially when they are trying to rip your arm off or choke you unconscious!

With climbing it's the threat of hold on tight or fall down :D
I just got back to lifting weights after doing almost nothing for 15 years since college. I'm really into it, but certain it will get old. My buddy is amazing shape and can't' say he's ever seen the inside of a gym. It's all purely from skateboarding and surfing.

I know what you mean. Met this mixed martial arts dude at the rock climbing place and he is in better shape than me. Says he never touches weights! He looks like he could bench press close to 300lbs!