2 Impossibilities in 1 day


Mar 25, 2012
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St. Louis, MO
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Well I did it... again... I put a deposit down on an engagement ring... Crap, I thought I'd never do that again after the last time...lol. So basically my last marriage lasted like less than a year. I spent more time paying off the freaking ring than I did married to that crazy woman... hahaha. Well I know this one is 1000 times better, I just never thought I would do it again...

On the way home from the jeweler, this really nice lexus sports car totally cut me off, slammed on the brakes, then tried to speed away... I was like WTF??? I was pissed. I was also in an area that I know the cops don't give a **** about speeders so I twisted the hell out of that throttle. Caught up in a couple seconds. Then I'm not really sure what I did, but I guess I twisted too much in between shifts and up came the front wheel. I've tried to wheelie before just from the 'wheelie guides' but never had any success. I don't care about wheelies really, but always just wanted to see if I could do one. After several failed attempts last year, I gave up.

So it is possible... The FZ6 can do a wheelie... and I guess I can get married...again.... LOL.
How long you known your girlfriend? Do rush in mate, nothing wrong with a nice long engagement.


my husband and I dated less than a year before we were married and we've been together now for 29 years....so

when you know, you know! :cheer:

oh and stop trying to doing wheelies, you squid! (j/k)

my husband and I dated less than a year before we were married and we've been together now for 29 years....so

when you know, you know! :cheer:

oh and stop trying to doing wheelies, you squid! (j/k)

Thank you... and you're right! :D

I'm not a 'wheelie' guy, I just wanted to know if it was possible. Guess so, but still not my thing!
Congrats. Sounds like you were riding high, I got my Fz6 wheel up once. I just chopped the throttle and hit it hard at like 7000 rpm.
I want to learn how to do a wheely for safty reasons alone. I know if I ever screw up and end up in one its probably going to scare the crap out of me. I realy don't want do the wrong thing due to panic. So I figure that if I learn how to do one, it wont scare me as much.

Congrats on Ring. Does she ride. My wife and I will last a long long time. I tell her i'm going for a ride... she say's have fun baby. I Love that woman... I just wish I can get her on her own bike. That would be awesome.
my condolences....... jk

kind of

and I'm -1 in the front, but all I have to do to wheelie is cruise along at 4krpm in first, then quickly close and 3/4 throttle and she just comes up. Are you on stock gearing?
I want to learn how to do a wheely for safty reasons alone. I know if I ever screw up and end up in one its probably going to scare the crap out of me. I realy don't want do the wrong thing due to panic. So I figure that if I learn how to do one, it wont scare me as much.

Congrats on Ring. Does she ride. My wife and I will last a long long time. I tell her i'm going for a ride... she say's have fun baby. I Love that woman... I just wish I can get her on her own bike. That would be awesome.

Well the wheelie I did was a lot less scary than I thought it would have been. I didn't even know I did it, until it was over. Kind of like the first time I had sex HAHAHA.

Unfortunately, no she doesn't ride with me. Well, she's been on the bike twice now. Twice in two years of riding. And both times I was taking her to the shop to get her car. I think if she didn't have car problems, she's probably never ride with me...lol.

my condolences....... jk

kind of

and I'm -1 in the front, but all I have to do to wheelie is cruise along at 4krpm in first, then quickly close and 3/4 throttle and she just comes up. Are you on stock gearing?

Yeah, stock gearing. And thank you for your condolences... lol.
Accidental wheelies are a lot worse when you have a passenger on the back, oh yeah floorin it up the hill, wtf this feels awkward, ahhh **** back off the juice! And congrats!
Congratulations on two firsts. I'm sure your future wife will work out just great. I am not much of a wheelier myself. On my dirt bike I can do them OK but have not really wanted to do them on the FZ6. She's my baby girl and would not want to hurt her let alone scare the **** out of myself. :spank: