Ankle, meet horseshoe :(


Junior Member
Mar 30, 2012
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Wilmington, DE
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While camping over the weekend at the annual horseshoe tournament, I caught a stray shoe from one pit over. I remained standing (barely), and was able to keep playing.

A couple days after, this is what it looked like.

View attachment 44667

Doesn't hurt to walk on now, but the swelling still prohibits me getting the boots on. I'm amazed that the tiny impact area caused so much selling.
Agh!! RICE, man! (rest, ice, compression, elevation).

At the very least ice and elevation. The right thing to do would be to get an x-ray. Hope it's just a bruise.
Suck it up princess;) Just kidding.. might want to get that looked at.. ouch.

No riding for a bit eh?
Kinda funny how it went down. My partner threw, hits top of the post, and almost hits the guy I'm throwing against. His partner throws, hits top of the post, and almost takes ME out. I joke, "Take it easy guys. It's a FRIENDLY game here!"

The next shoe thrown on the pit next to us hits something (post, perimeter wood) and heads right for me... smack.

If I had known then what it would look like now, I would have done a better job taking care of it. At the time I had not known there were veins in between the skin and ankle bone which could rupture and dump a bunch of blood into my foot. Alas, we were still camping and there was still more drinking to be done.

Went to the nurse at work today. She put an ACE bandage on it and said as long as I'm not in any pain at this point, there shouldn't be any break.
If you have a good range of movement, and as you say it isn't painful to walk on. It's unlikely to be fractured. The swelling is going to last for about 2-3 weeks. Rest and ice are good + put the ankle through regular passive range of movement exercises. If in doubt go and see your GP for assessment +/- x-ray. Be careful with the wound, there is a small risk of getting Cellulitis. Watch out for redness hot to touch and painful. Are you a Diabetic? I enjoyed the story, heal up soon.
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Thanks for the good info. Not diabetic - I might stop by the doctor and get an x-ray just for good measure.

And yeah - riding boots are super tight so they're out of the picture. I may wear some work boots and ride down to bike week in Wildwood this weekend, weather and wife permitting. :)
Also - this is my first "downtime" since owning a bike. It's brutal. I could have ridden today. Haven't since before camping... Tuesday of last week!

I think I need a timeout from this forum so I stop thinking about riding.
Also - this is my first "downtime" since owning a bike. It's brutal. I could have ridden today. Haven't since before camping... Tuesday of last week!

I think I need a timeout from this forum so I stop thinking about riding.

Too bad it's the "shifting" foot.

Elevation and ice will be your best friends for a few days.

Funny story, by the way!
Day 5. Yummy


Starting to see an ankle bone under all this grossness. Zero pain except for when I'm really stretching it. Appt w doc Monday just in case.

And I'm RIDING tonight!!! If anyone is gonna be in the cape may/wildwood area this weekend, let me know.

Edit: apologies for the giant pic. Tapatalk was fighting me. Day 4 is attached.
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That looks BAD!!!! Broke the small mettatarsal (im an engineer so can't spell) in my foot and had bruising but not too bad. Later sprained the same foot by running it over with a very heavy gate - much worse bruising but nothing broken. Probably a good idea to get it checked just in case.
dude, my foot is the mirror image (quite literally since it's my right foot...). but my story isn't as colorful as yours...

anyways, I think I had a little more swelling in the beginning than you... the x-rays didn't show any fracture and the doc was like it's a sprain and put a splint on it...

then I went to orthopedic after 5-6 days and the gentleman after looking at the same x-rays and examining the foot declared that there is a fracture, put me in a walking boot and recommended to stay non-weight bearing for 3 weeks weeks :don'tknow:

after searching around it seems that foot injuries/fractures/sprains take a few weeks to heal and quicker when no weight on the foot... with that said, I am no doctor ... heck, I can't even remember the name of the bone in the foot that has the (hairline) fracture (well that's why I went to engineering school and not medical... not sure if you could find it amusing ( or relate to it) that these are/were the only two choices:BLAA:).

I sincerely hope, yours isn't bad and will get better soon but I would definitely have it checked... and try not to put any weight on that foot :thumbup:
lol and I just read the comment above by PhotoAl " ...Broke the small mettatarsal (im an engineer so can't spell)" ...