Brocken speedo

To avoid the documentation hassle of installing a different speedo, you may want to buy a more internally broken one and swap the innards. And make sure to keep that one out if the rain until you do. Just a thought. I believe that changing the speedo without telling the state gets you in trouble, as if you were intentionally changing the odometer.
Hi Skyworm.

Can you tell from your broken parts how one is supposed to open it?
I wan't to open mine but I'm afraid to break it.
It's almost impossible to open it without breaking. I wouldn't go that route.
To avoid the documentation hassle of installing a different speedo, you may want to buy a more internally broken one and swap the innards. And make sure to keep that one out if the rain until you do. Just a thought. I believe that changing the speedo without telling the state gets you in trouble, as if you were intentionally changing the odometer.

Is the mileage stored in the speedo unit or the ECU?