speeding remedy?


Professional test dummy
Nov 16, 2011
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kennesaw, Ga
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I know that a vast majority of us LOVE to look down and see triple digits:thumbup:
the problem is nobody else likes us doin it, not is there ever really a good time for it nowadays.
I have been tricking myself lately (yes it is working) by leaving my bike set to km/h instead of the mph that we in the states love so much. Im sure I could learn the conversion but that would defeat the purpose of trying to teach myself to stay slow and fly under the radar.
When on the highway today I stayed at 120-125 with cars still passing me all around, and since I had no idea really how fast I was going in comparison to the speed limit, I stayed at a slower speed.

It seems to be working for me, hopefully it will work for someone else who hates seeing blue lights as much as I do.:thumbup:

nobody hate on me! I know there are holes and flaws in my method...shhhh!:Flip:
i tried something like that with my time because i was always late, i put all my clocks ahead 15 mins, after a few weeks i just automatically did the math so it stopped being effective:BLAA:
I've got an idea, go to some track days! Then you can go balls to the wall! I dunno how expensive they are, but it's better than speeding tickets!
I'd think imagining emergency services crews calling janitors to mop me up would be a great reason not to speed on a bike...
Twisties are great way to control speed , the tighter the better :thumbup: I'd rather rip through the twisties than speed on straights anyday :rockon:

Right! I know and ride with a guy that has a Ninja 250, he keeps up with the group pretty well and can hit triple digits on that thing too. You aren't doing anything that anyone else on a 250cc+ can do.

If you live into your middle ages (like me, I'm 42) then speed isn't the high it used to be. Your senses will kick in (hopefully) and you'll slow down because you aren't actually thinking of just yourself anymore but also those around you and those that will be affected by your inevitable crash and/or death.

Go to a track day and speed there.

For reals, dog. Just sayin'...
Convert your bike to naked and do not use any screen!
Going fast feels like you're going to get pulled off the bike.
I'm now back to faired bike with a tall screen and I have to admit it's much harder keeping it in legal limit.. can barely feel the speed. I'm not talking about triple digits.. just your typical 8-9 miles over limit.
wind doesn't make much difference on a naked bike if you have ear plugs :S

track days are definitely the way forward, it's a shame they're so expensive though.
Why not look into drag racing? Alot of strips have nights where anybody can enter at a reasonable price. They also have tuning days that are even cheaper but with no spectators. Cheaper than track days but still a way to get some of the speed out of your system.
wind doesn't make much difference on a naked bike if you have ear plugs :S

track days are definitely the way forward, it's a shame they're so expensive though.

I have to disagree. I always wear ear plugs. Even at full tuck on my naked FZ6 there was very strong force to deal with once the speed got up there. Same speed on faired bike with tall screen: I sit up and feel no speed at all.

Of course converting bike to naked just to prevent yourself from speeding was a joke :D
I do wayy to much highway riding for a 250 to be safe.... Some people like a 250ninja for on the highway, but around atlanta, you need to get out of the way sometimes. The "blast squad" came up on me one night on I85 in the heart of the city, not only did they at first fly by me at like 150, but they slowed down and like rode around me and crap, idk what their intentions were, but I was not exactly a fan of that, scary stuff.

But anyways, its easier to resist twisting the throttle when you have no idea how fast you are about to go.:rockon:
but around atlanta, you need to get out of the way sometimes.

I have spent my fair share around the Atlanta area, and would have to say that 285 perimeter loop probably has the fastest average speeds in the country. Everybody is going like 80 mph, crazy. You go 55 on that loop, you'll get run out of town.
Have in mind I am in a different country and I have never been in the states and I don't know if some day I will, so I am ignorant of the laws, culture, etc.

Anyway I still wonder why people there use such high performance machines to commute if it is supposed you cannot go fast, you can go pretty fast according to the speed limits on a ninja 250 but that is considered a foolish bike :S.

Cheers :thumbup:
.....the point of this is to NOT get in the triple digit mph range and to NOT get arrested so please dont hate for me trying to NOT act like the 20 year old guy that I know I am.

yes i285 is crazy fast, but I think I75 around Tampa is even faster..... my uncle and I routinely get blown past even when the cruise is set at 80 in his camry....
I have to disagree. I always wear ear plugs. Even at full tuck on my naked FZ6 there was very strong force to deal with once the speed got up there. Same speed on faired bike with tall screen: I sit up and feel no speed at all.

Of course converting bike to naked just to prevent yourself from speeding was a joke :D

How would earplugs keep the wind off your chest and face?
If you're speed in the triple digit MPH range, I hope you get pulled over and arrested ASAP for dangerous driving. Take it to a track.

Least constructive comment on this post so far.

I would actually argue that sometimes triple digit speeds are 100x safer than being stuck in the middle of the guy in the lane next to you who is obviously drunk and the girl in the car in front of you talking on her cell phone. GTFO of there and ahead and get on your way.