Photography Thread !!!

(Referring to post 157: )


That last one. What is that? Because I have seen one of those in my house before.

Excellent shots by the way :thumbup:

That's a House Centipede. Creepy looking, but harmless.

House Centipedes

Order Scutigeromorpha - House Centipedes - BugGuide.Net
Yep, oaks nailed it. They are UGLY, and make a hell of a mess if you smack 'em. lol. Their legs keep on moving for a while too -- I think it's part of their defense mechanism. They can release the legs and they sit there twitching to keep the hunter occupied while it makes it's escape. And they are FAST when they want to be too! We get them fairly often in this old brick building during the winter months.
Most of them were by venice beach/ santa monica area. Obviously everyone knows who the howie star pic is for! :BLAA:

Did the owner (or car) send you bill for taking those pictures??? :D :D

Great photos in here! Thanks for sharing everyone! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Hey if anyone has any humming bird pictures capturing the wings in motion ah - specifically freezing the wings at high shutter speed - post up!

I must say it takes time as those guys bolt at the sound of a shutter! Trying to get them at dusk is impossible too as the light is low and flash freaks them too!

Patients Grass Hopper....... :rolleyes:

This is my buddy Dave's website. He is a pretty amazing photographer. He shoots on a Canon rig currently.

Some of his better works have been of the more risque fashion, but if you are an adult with a taste for tattoo's and piercings...or just like really artsy photography, then I recommend his "alternative body manipulations" page...

Please Be Advised
Piercing Portraits Contains Adult Content and is
NOT advisable for viewers under the age of 18.
The images found within may be offensive to some people. Pictures contain strong sugestive themes, body modification and partial nudity.


Also...he rides...a Yami even!...but its a cruiser...but its not a bad cruiser. ;-)
Finally made the step up to Photoshop CS5 from DPP & :eek: There's a huge difference between the two & soooo much more time consuming...... The results, well im still learning so you tell me ;) I like them :thumbup:

Our 2 neice's shot in the park over the Christmas break :D





Humperdinkel: I really like that first photo! Looks like she's been "framed" already :thumbup:

Haven't really touched my camera in a while, unfortunately! Here are a couple quick shots from the other night of my dog enjoying some Xmas treats though :D Wish I had paid more attention to the cage/kennel being in the frame.


It took me about 1.5 hrs work :eek: but I have finally produce my first HDR image with the help of Photoshop :cheer: Thought i'd share to get some feedback from you pro's out there ;) feel free to CC , im not going to do to many of them coz it is so tedious :(

It took me about 1.5 hrs work :eek: but I have finally produce my first HDR image with the help of Photoshop :cheer: Thought i'd share to get some feedback from you pro's out there ;) feel free to CC , im not going to do to many of them coz it is so tedious :(

There is an easy way to create HDR. This is "photomatix". It's a very simple and powerful tool at the same time. Try this out HDR photography software & plugin for Lightroom, Aperture & Photoshop - Tone Mapping, Exposure Fusion & High Dynamic Range Imaging for photography
Did you do your HDR with multiple bracketed shots, Humperdinkel? Just curious because I've seen people use just a single photograph and software that attempts to make an HDR out of one image -- and it looked pretty funky to me. It definitely shouldn't take that long to merge together a few different exposures though! Give Photomatix a go, as Dan said. I've barely played with HDR stuff, but that's the program I was recommended also. I think CS5 even has a way to combine them built into it (that probably isn't as good as a dedicated program/plugin like Photomatix), but maybe I'm thinking panoramas.
Did you do your HDR with multiple bracketed shots, Humperdinkel? Just curious because I've seen people use just a single photograph and software that attempts to make an HDR out of one image -- and it looked pretty funky to me. It definitely shouldn't take that long to merge together a few different exposures though! Give Photomatix a go, as Dan said. I've barely played with HDR stuff, but that's the program I was recommended also. I think CS5 even has a way to combine them built into it (that probably isn't as good as a dedicated program/plugin like Photomatix), but maybe I'm thinking panoramas.

Thats how I did it , I no doubt could get faster at it but I was reading step by step instructions at the time :rolleyes:

I am going to use that Photomatix program because there has to be an easier way :) even if I get faster at multi bracketing it is still a tedious task :thumbup:

Thanks for the Photomatix tip guys , I also hear/read good things about Niksoftware so I may give that a go. Either way i'll post my results :D
Great pictures guys!! Can't believe it's been almost 2 years since my China trip photos post earlier in this thread.

Here are some of my collections of 2011.

SoCal beach.


Lightning over Vegas


Female boxing champ
