chicken stripes??

Good ole 45 minute commute......was there a touch of attitude in that post?
almost no chicken strips when i ride on track, on the road though i give myself a bit more room for error and don't lean as much
Who's got um who don't pictures prove it.

What are chicken stripes? I have heard of chicken strips, chicken legs, chicken breast, etc but not stripes. Are they vinyl stripes you can stick on your chickens to make them look fast?
Riders who know how to hang off a bike.

Lol that is true. :thumbup:

My opinion is who cares about chicken strips anyway unless your 12 years old or a squid lol. Most people that are obsessed with them sit in their driveway with a brillo pad and scrub them off so they can brag to their friends or they are terrible riders that ride beyond their limits and lean the bike over too far because they have horrible form lol.
Its the unused portion of tire. Meaning your too chicken to lean it all the way over to the edge of the tire
no photos but I've still got decent "chicken stripes" after 6600 miles on my PR2's

not looking to win any contest with how far i lean this thing over so I really don't care about how much space is there on the outside of the tread. When I do lean it over it feels like "yeah that is far enough". The first priority is to get home safe and live to ride another day.

I took out my micrometer recently and measured them. Proud of my stripes!! LOL

right side 1.3"
left side 1.2"
Its the unused portion of tire. Meaning your too chicken to lean it all the way over to the edge of the tire

I know the silly term, I was picking on you for calling them stripes instead of strips which is what squids normally call them.

Who cares really, it indicates nothing. You can scrub them off in your driveway, doing a squid burnout or riding around in circles in a parking lot.
To much loose crap on roads in my area plus our roads are plagued with tar snakes
Ten four good buddy. Trust me im not judging or bragging. I still have my stripes I was just wondering who all corners low enough and often enough to wipe them off. I am not close to dragging anything yet
Well you don't need to get the knee down to get rid of the pesky things :)

I found it depends on the tires for me as well. It was pretty easy when I had BT-21s, but the Z6s are more difficult for me... Guess I just have to try a bit harder :D
I've got to the edge of my right side a few times. But it's not scrubbed off or anything. Just a little scuffed. There's this awesome concrete turn coming out of work that I try to bump my speed up all the time. Left side has about 0.75". Hanging off the bike is illegal in florida, and I like to leave that as backup just in case that corner was sharper than I thought.

And some on ramps have caught up to me. They look mellow, and then you get into them and think, "Oh, ****!". So you stick your knee out, push on your outside peg, try and get your chin to the inside handlebar, and smoothly roll on the throttle. So, I've drug knee on some of those accidently.
Here's mine. Keep in mind I am a very aggressive rider and my strips get crispy.
