chicken stripes??

This is my rear dunlop roadsmart after 6500 kms -> about 4000 miles

It seems I "properly" used this tire since the side grooves were complete gone before the ones at the center :D, almost all that mileage was done riding solo and without luggage, also practicing hanging off and starting to push it a little bit more than before, definitely A LOT pending to be learnt.

about the last 500 kms / 300 miles were rode two up and with a topcase, you can see in the last picture the side mark that indicates it was not used to the edge in that case.

Excuse me for the crappy cellphone pics, it is not even a smartphone LOL
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This is my rear dunlop roadsmart after 6500 kms -> about 4000 miles

It seems I "properly" used this tire since the side grooves were complete gone before the ones at the center :D, almost all that mileage was done riding solo and without luggage, also practicing hanging off and starting to push it a little bit more than before, definitely A LOT pending to be learnt.

Excuse me for the crappy cellphone pics, it is not even a smartphone LOL

Wow judging from those pics it looks like you needed new tires about 1000miles ago

Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
jajajajajaaja yes, but I didn't ride with that tire that way on wet roads, that would have scared the **** out of me :D

Also I am a poor fella, and here motorcycle tires are wayyy expensive, so if I am not riding in the wet and there are no wires visible I still have tire LOL
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i have chicken strips around 1" on each side, not proud of them and they re pissing me to be honest. however i have very low confidence in low speed confidence and when it comes to tight hairpins going down a slope? pretty much zero confidence in the road surface and im always thinking "the rear will slip, take it easy". i,m also finding it hard to increase speed and remain cofident and calm. i dont think i have enough balls to do it.

the strange thing tho is that on 125 cc scooters i tend to tackle corners much harder and at higher speed than the fz, then i tackle the same corners with the fz and i hit them slower, maybe i need more bike time on the fz:confused:

This is a prime example of where the desire to scrub off the strips just for the sake of not having them could be dangerous. Do it smart. Do a performance riding school, practice the techniques at trackdays and (keeping room for caution) on clean public roads, then do another performance riding school, then practice some more and keep at it. As a couple years tick by you will improve by a massive margin (with the improvement you see in the matter of the first few weeks being a HUGE leap as well).

You can't assess the skill level of a rider solely on the presence or lack of chicken strips.

I agree that you can't assess the skill level based on the lack of strips. He could just be in over his head and a nub.

But if someone has NEVER ridden fast enough to scrub off strips on any bike....then it's a safe bet that there is a lot of room for improvement in that individual's riding.

Don't settle for good enough. Push to be great! It's more fun and satisfying that way.

Beyond that, Defy's pretty much hit the nail on the head too.