To wave or not to wave, that is the unorigionally named poll...

Who do you wave at?

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I wave at anything with two wheels including moto cops. Most wave or nod back even the cops and harley riders. I have given up on the scooters since none wave back.
I don't discriminate. M/C cops are on two wheels like the rest of us. One time I had a motorcycle cop wave to me so emphatically that he practically came off his seat! That was pretty cool.
And to think this entire time I have thought the sheer amount of contemplation I put into the wave was a sign of my own neurosis.

-typo'd by my thumbs on tiny touch screen buttons.
I wave at most except the scooters, when I can. Just yesterday I saw a guy at WAWA on a Hyabusa...NO shirt, had sneakers and overly baggy pants on, and a helmet. No wave there! On my way out the parking lot, he proceded to wheelie down the street. What would you call a sub-squid?
I try to wave at anyone two wheeled or three(even give a thumbs up to kids I see on dirt bikes on the back roads). If they don't wave, no sweat off my back, I just keep on enjoying the day. I'm a fan of all motorcycles, so I salute them all and if I had the money I would own them all too haha.
Yep. I wave at everyone. Cops included. Only the scooter guys don't wave back, and I think that's cause they're at such a loss that someone with a "real" bike waved at them.

Even the really nice Harley riders wave back here in FL. Although, usually they only manage to get one finger out before we pass each other. Don't know what that's all about. :don'tknow: And they really must like sport bikes. I always hear something about "import bikes" as they blow by if they're one of the newer riders who haven't drilled their pipes out yet.
Screw those can-am spyders. I hate those things. They aren't bikes, they're wannabe wannabes. There's no way I wave at them. "Now you can take your riding test on a spyder!" Eff that, they aren't one of us. Good riddance.

I DO wave at
-all ACTUAL motorcycles, cops included obviously
-cyclists (I'm one too)
-Scooters if they have a helmet
-kids on buses / random staring kids on the sidewalk
All of the above except mopeds and scooters. Some maxiscooters may be mistaken for touring bikes so I might accidentally wave to them as well :D


I do the left hand down... none of this girly waving my hand in the air stuff...
If I remember to wave, I wave at everyone on two weels. I don't feel like spending too much time and energy to decide if the oncoming biker is waveworthy - so I just wave. :thumbup:
I wave at pretty much everyone who waves but really wish all this waving would stop, I just want to ride, the waving seems kinda dumb to me. I ride everyday pretty much and you don't realize how many bikes are on the road until you have to wave at all of them.
i wave to just about everyone except little scooters (50-150cc) and mopeds.. generally because i have tried to wave, but without the msf course, how would they know to wave back...
I wave at all motorbikes, including cops (although they don't often wave back here in France) and bikes with sidecars.

I never wave at scooters (although have been caught out by the sporty maxiscooters - didn't get a wave back...and hoped no other bikers saw me :D ). I don't wave at the Piaggio MP3 (3 wheeled scooters) either. The only exception to all of these are if they pull over to let me pass whilst lane splitting (they are usually considerably slower! :eek: )

The stupidly expensive CanAm Spyder 3 wheelers get my very sarcastic 'disappointed slow shake of the head' as they sit in traffic unable to lane split. :Flip:
oh i always wave to the bike cops, just in case you know? however, let me say that while riding in Richmond, VA i was greatly outnumbered by what i can only assume was a local gang that included about 15 people on mopeds/scooters or whatever they were.. many of which waved. i found myself just looking in awe in the fact that they too do group rides just like regular riders like us haha i didnt know what to do so i just shook my head and rolled on. i also hate getting suprised by those motorcycles that ride with scooters. so i go to wave at the motorcycle only to be tricked into waving at the scooter.
I wave at everyone. I guess it's just my inherent sweetness!! :BLAA:

Seriously, though, if you can show some friendliness while on a bike, WHY NOT????

The ones I really love waving at are the kids on the sidewalks that seem dumbfounded that a GIRL (pink jacket) rides her own bike!! :cheer:
You forgot...
-kids (unless they're teenagers making the wheelie gesture... I flip them off)
-horse and buggies (yes, the Amish will wave back)
-people mowing the lawn
-people checking their mail
-classic cars
-and I'm sure I forgot a few too

I try to wave to everyone. My favorite is people who don't wave back. That puts a huge grin on my face. It's mostly Harley riders wearing fake helmets. The guys without helmets usually wave, as well as those with DOT helmets. Most sport bike riders start to wave to me from quite a ways out. I rarely get to initiate. I typically initiate with cruisers (which far outnumber sport bikes in my parts). Sport tourers, standards, and dual-sports (anything with an upright riding position) seem to be on my same wavelength. We seem to wave right about the same time. It must be some sort of cosmic thing.

And if you're passing a horse and buggy going the same direction, it's courteous to clutch in and let the RPMs fall to idle as you coast by. The horses appreciate that. If you ride by like a squid, they'll sh!t in all the good corners.
I initiate a wave with anything non-scooter/moped on two wheels, when it is safe for me to do so. I don't bother waving on the interstate, half the time the median is too big or our combined speed is way too fast to even try.

I wave back to anyone that waves to me, even someone on a scooter.

My favorite is kids -- I pulled up next to a school bus of elementary school kids and they were going nuts on their window to get my attention. When I waved back they had the whole bus looking over and waving.
I am a driving instructor. All driving instructors wave to each other. When I'm on my bike I nod to every motorcyclist I see too. So I do a lot of nodding and waving. It's all good.
Can confirm dual-sport riders don't/rarely wave... on my 3 half hour breaks today the ONLY person that didn't wave or nod back was on a kawasaki dual sport...guess his 250 is too cool for the real motorcyclists... I come from dirt and was rather disappointed that he was the only one that didn't.....punks... :rolleyes: