tcmalker's first accident


Aug 11, 2010
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Finally released to the public! This is actually part II. There will be part I (prequel) and part III (sequel & finale) to be posted later. Just like Star Wars, I'm releasing part II first.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Motorcycle Accident - who's at fault?‬‏[/ame]
That's too bad, the car driver wasn't paying attention. I hate riding in situations like that, just too much stuff going on (people, cars, bikes, distractions......). Hope you are alright and the bike isn't too bad.
Was that you? The motorcycle rider is at fault unless he has a left turn light that is green. If the light to turn is green then the suburban is at fault. Aren't you supposed to be a cop?
I'm not sure about the laws wherever it is that you live, but considering that he was closer to the corner and there were pedestrians there, I think you'll have a hard time pushing blame toward anyone else. Good luck with the repairs though
Don't think he's blaming anyone here. Sorry to see that tcmalker. It's definitely one of those iffy situations, I probably would have done the same thing you did. How did the other driver react?
couldn't see if the light had changed, if not and it's still green,
a vehicle turning right has right of way over one turning left,
if the light had changed to amber, then the vehicle already in
the intersection has to clear it and assumes the right of way
and the one turning right has to stop....that's how I understand
the rules of the road in my jurisdiction

watched again, the light is clearly still green, the car has the right of way,
the rider would be at fault here in Ontario...although you both were doing
a poor job of allowing those pedestrians across

here's the passage from the driver's handbook for Ontario:

"At any intersection where you want to turn left or right, you must yield the right-of-way. If you are turning left, you must wait for approaching traffic to pass or turn and for pedestrians in or approaching your path to cross. If you are turning right, you must wait for pedestrians to cross if they are in or approaching your path"
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Sorry, but the fault lies with you. If the road rules are the same here, (well, opposite really, seeing as you guys drive on the other side of the road), for you...a left turn must always give way to any traffic turning right. (for us aussies, anyone turning right must give way to everyone on the right hand side... including vehicles turning left into the same road I am travelling).

As there was no green arrow, you gotta yield... Sorry.

To me, it looks like you and the car were both looking at the pedestrians to wait for your spot, both saw an opening both went, both tried to occupy the same space. Hope you made it out ok!
Don't think he's blaming anyone here. Sorry to see that tcmalker. It's definitely one of those iffy situations, I probably would have done the same thing you did. How did the other driver react?

You will have to wait for part III...
Honestly, as much as I hate it when cagers are not paying attention, the guy on the bike got in the way of the car. If it was me doing this turn I would have crossed the lanes the same way the biker did but I would have stopped right in front of the crosswalk and I would have waited for the pedestrians to cross and then I'd go on my marry way after establishing eye contact with the guy in the car. What the biker did was kinda stupid IMO. Having said that, this wouldn't have happened had the guy in the car paid attention. I think the bike's at fault no matter how you look at it tho. Just my $.02

If that's you - **** happens. We all make mistakes. Good luck with the repairs if there's anything to repair at all. Crashes can be a lot worse than this drop so don't sweat it :)
I know its hard in the dark, but did you make eye contact with the driver?
Here in Melbourne, with everything in reverse, the car would have had right of way, but about ten years ago the bike rider would have had the right to go through first. When that changed, boy did that confuse a lot of people. Nowadays driving in the city centre the only tricky thing for out of towners are our HOOK turns.
hope you and the bike pull up OK
Nowadays driving in the city centre the only tricky thing for out of towners are our HOOK turns.

They confused me the first time I saw them. I did a normal turn like we do here in Adelaide, thought the cop was going to book me, until he realised that I had no idea what the "hook turn" was. It was only after riding in a taxi that I knew what was happening and how to do

[/end thread hijack... back to normal topic]

Bikes riders fault, unless there is something we are not seeing as I cant believe someone would ride a bike into the suv like that and not wait until the peds were clear. Kinda looks like there may be two lanes as well, if there was the bike was turning into the wrong lane. Did you get rear ended and got pushed into the suv perhaps?
I say both at fault, tickets to both drivers for failing to yield to an oncoming vehicle, careless driving, swap insurance and done.
Looks like you ran into the SUV/wagon. It looks like you were both trying to rush to the same spot at the same time. I would say that you are at fault here.

I hope you are ok, your command is not going to be very happy with an at fault motorcycle incident, especially if you sustained an injury. I would hate to be the guy filling out that AGAR.
Why were there people in the crosswalk if the car and bike had the light. Don't they have walk / Don't walk lights.
tc, looking forward to the rest of the story. obviously from that one clip it looks like it's your fault. but context is key to everything. hope you're doing well and there isn't much damage to your bike.