1st road kill today

First post.

Well, I forgot when, but I hit my first living mammal while taking a joy ride at night. My girlfriend told me never to ride at night but I did. Went smooth until the last couple of moments back to my house. I don't even remember what it might have been. It also came from an odd angle. Hmm, maybe a small dog or a rabbit. I just hit it. The shock felt like I hit a parking brick. I swerved a bit, but kept my composure and just rode home hoping the tires were fine and not bloody.
Kangaroos and rabbits, mainly. Mike has hit a few roos on our street - they are soooo dumb. They wait at the site of the road (in camo.....) then jump out when you get near.
Really ! Will have to keep that in mind ,lol
Almost cleaned up a wombat in Tasmania (it was dead and already in the middle of the road - would have done some serious damage.....)
Stopped to help a guy on the way to Mildura years ago,he hit a wombat in his cage and holed the sump !
My original MSF instructor had a nice categorized approached for dealing with animals on the road: squishable and non-squishable :rof:

Squirrels (while most of us don't want to kill them) fall into squishable category.
My original MSF instructor had a nice categorized approached for dealing with animals on the road: squishable and non-squishable :rof:

Squirrels (while most of us don't want to kill them) fall into squishable category.

My philosophy on this is that if you can eat it in one sitting then don't move your line. If it's any bigger then you're better off trying some evasive maneuvers. :D
What does "holed the sump" mean?

I'm gonna wager a guess that it is putting a hole in the oil pan. I really don't know but it seems to make sense. We need the aussies to put together an aussie dictionary so we can translate all of these :D
My original MSF instructor had a nice categorized approached for dealing with animals on the road: squishable and non-squishable :rof:

We must have had the same MSF instructor! We were told to avoid the "Squishables" as best we can, and "when in doubt head for the butt"

The "butt" end of the animal will always be in the opp. direction the animal will run... but those damn squirrels and rabbits are tricky and will double back on you in a split second... I think they are dare devils in training...

I was hit by a bird that took to long to take off as I came up upon it, but all that happened was him slamming in to my headlights and flopping around then taking off... nothing too crazy, made me laugh actually, it was more crazy then scary HA.
I'm gonna wager a guess that it is putting a hole in the oil pan. I really don't know but it seems to make sense. We need the aussies to put together an aussie dictionary so we can translate all of these :D

Here ya go Mate! Australian slang dictionary

Go get a jar of this and between the Vegemite and the Aussie dictionary...:rof:
Did you take your BRC in Piscataway?!

I don't know where my son took the course in Jersey but the wording was the same, "Squishables and Non-squishables" Maybe from a book they use?
Here ya go Mate! Australian slang dictionary

Go get a jar of this and between the Vegemite and the Aussie dictionary...:rof:

That is great!!! There are some awesome terms in there.

Brown-eyed mullet : a turd in the sea (where you're swimming!)

Crack a fat : get an erection

Shag on a rock, stands out like a : very obvious

Technicolor yawn : vomit

and my favorite....

White pointers : topless (female) sunbathers
I don't know where my son took the course in Jersey but the wording was the same, "Squishables and Non-squishables" Maybe from a book they use?

Hmm.. don't remember reading that in BRC booklet.. and I thought I just about had that thing memorized! :D
I'm gonna wager a guess that it is putting a hole in the oil pan. I really don't know but it seems to make sense. We need the aussies to put together an aussie dictionary so we can translate all of these :D

I love it when the Aussie members start talking with their native speech. I try to figure out what they're saying without looking it up. It's a little game I play. And I mean that sincerely. Nothing better than an Aussie accent!
John, I was reading your post and you mentioned you "Grabbed" the front brake, usually when we hear that word, it results in a low side fall for everyone. Make sure you get in the habbit of using the word "Apply" or "Squeeze" whenever the front brake is involved. Remember, our human instict is to grab or slam, takes a lot of control and muscle memory to refrain from doing so on your bike.

As far as wildlife, that is my number one fear in terms of hazards for a motorcyclist. Not the cars or all the drivers who aren't paying attention, because I as a rider should see and anticipate their moronic moves and behaviors. However, wildlife, because they are so unpredictable and can pop out of nowhere, it remains my biggest fear. Squishable or non-squishable.
John, I was reading your post and you mentioned you "Grabbed" the front brake, usually when we hear that word, it results in a low side fall for everyone. Make sure you get in the habbit of using the word "Apply" or "Squeeze" whenever the front brake is involved. Remember, our human instict is to grab or slam, takes a lot of control and muscle memory to refrain from doing so on your bike.

As far as wildlife, that is my number one fear in terms of hazards for a motorcyclist. Not the cars or all the drivers who aren't paying attention, because I as a rider should see and anticipate their moronic moves and behaviors. However, wildlife, because they are so unpredictable and can pop out of nowhere, it remains my biggest fear. Squishable or non-squishable.

Sorry Kenny, I guess I should have been more detailed in the explanation of the incident for those riders who are relatively new riding and take everything posted here literally.

So see if this is better:
Riding along on one of my favorite twisty roads, I encountered a ground squirrel darting across the road. Not wanting to hit it if at all avoidable without changing my line or losing control over my bike, I quickly and judiciously applied my front brake with the one finger that I always have covering the front brake lever. Since I have stainless lines and Pazzo levers I can apply significant braking with the one finger without locking up the front wheel, this comes from years of riding both on and off the track. Once I realized in the .27 seconds before impact that it was unavoidable, I grimaced (with my eyes still open) and mowed the sucker down. :D
Haha John, I feel your pain buddy. I hit my first animal when I was in high school, on my way to practice before the school year began. I had two other teammates in my car at the time, and we totally ran over a cat. :( I was mortified and felt AWFUL. The damn thing was hiding in a hole in a hedge alongside the road (50 mph surface street in Orange County) and it simply flashed out in front of my passenger side front tire. FWOMP-FWOMP!

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the poor thing tumbling - it went from being as wide as my tire, to being as skinny as a piece of cardboard, as it tumbled. I felt HORRIBLE and of course my teammates ran in and told my coach and the rest of the team, who called me "the cat killer" for the duration of the pre-season. :) It happens.

For the record, I like squirrels. I think they're great. :)