NorCal/SoCal ride 2011

That would be super cool John! We'd be more than glad to host you SoCal boys for a weekend.
And thanks for the bump...I was starting to feel unloved. :hug:
Down, up, I just want to get back in gear. As far as going down, Driftboat (just today) and Red Wasp have expressed possible interest in the upcoming July ride. Will NorCal FZ6-Forum member/riders ever outnumber SoCal riders in a massive group ride in SoCal this summer? Answer: stay tuned.
It would be nice if we could fit this stretch (Nacimiento-Fegersson Highway) in on way down or back up:

I'd be down for that. Great road, if a little bumpy and slimey. Great DS road, especially since there is a ton of legal dirt that connects to it, but I love it on the FZ6 for sure. :thumbup: Just make sure your papers are in order and that you don't mind water crossings... :D
Nice! :thumbup: Make it soon...the wifey is due 8/16

You and Frenchie still planning on doing the Euro tour?

:Flip::Flip: **** I guess I never called you back huh? SORRY! :D Will do this wkd...

Yeah Euro Trip is firm now... plane tickets purchased, bikes ready for us, I just need to work on the itinerary in details (this coming weekend). I've been a little busy with work lately... tomorrow I'll know if I got a big promotion or not... keep your fingers crossed!!!

I didn't know you were pregnant!!!! CONGRATS MAN!!!! that's awesome news!!!! Keeping the bikes? lol.... be prepared I tell you!

I hope I can make that Northern Cali Trip with John.... will depend on when it happens, but anything within the next 3-4 months will be tough for me (considering the Euro trip!!!).
Nice! :thumbup: Make it soon...the wifey is due 8/16

You and Frenchie still planning on doing the Euro tour?

First off, congratulations on the news Nate! I hope parenthood enriches both of your lives.

As David mentioned we are a GO for France. I am going back into retirement at the end of this week and am itching to get in a few rides this year. As I have some clarity on my schedule I will post up a new thread and let you have time to plan to join me/us.
First off, congratulations on the news Nate! I hope parenthood enriches both of your lives.

As David mentioned we are a GO for France. I am going back into retirement at the end of this week and am itching to get in a few rides this year. As I have some clarity on my schedule I will post up a new thread and let you have time to plan to join me/us.

Back into retirement:thumbup: nice thing to be doing:D
Looking forward to the new thread about some future rides:thumbup:

get a ride going let me know Im up for it , this is my backyard up here , I can show some god country roads, bring your swimming trunks in the summer.
This is really ride, have fun, enjoying the sceneries and most of all creating new friends with all.
I better do my seat time with the bike, just to get use to riding her.
This is really ride, have fun, enjoying the sceneries and most of all creating new friends with all.
I better do my seat time with the bike, just to get use to riding her.

I hope you'll be able to make it, it's the perfect ride to get to know alot of great forum members. :thumbup:
July is fast approaching:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
So what's the game plan for the Sonora Ride, is it still on and have any dates been decided?? I plan on going up via 395 and taking an extra day or two so I can stay in Mammoth or Bishop. Figured out that 200-250 miles is about my limit due to my lack of stamina:rolleyes: Old age has some disavantages and most of us over 60 are not in as good of shape as Jack LaLanne:BLAA:

July is fast approaching:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
So what's the game plan for the Sonora Ride, is it still on and have any dates been decided?? I plan on going up via 395 and taking an extra day or two so I can stay in Mammoth or Bishop. Figured out that 200-250 miles is about my limit due to my lack of stamina:rolleyes: Old age has some disavantages and most of us over 60 are not in as good of shape as Jack LaLanne:BLAA:


Actually Jerry, I hope we're in better shape than Jack LaLanne. He left us this past year! Funny thing is Lisa and I met him and ended up having breakfast with him a few months before he passed. Good guy! Funny! Insperational! :rockon:
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Yea I thought about that but after I posted so I guess I am in better shape than Jack,RIP. Never got to meet him but I always had a great deal of respect for him and his accomplishments especially towing the boat across the channel under the Golden Gate Bridge, Wow :thumbup:

I am beginning to plan my vacation, so I need to know a little more about the ride; is it in Northern Cal or Southern Cal, and is the actual meet up date on the 16th of July?

Or is their going to be a get together the night before like last year?

I need to know if I need to take any days off in the front end, as I plan to take the week off after the 16th, which leaves a lot of flexiblity.