FIXED: Anyone with a **LOW** Top Sellerie/Saddlery seat?


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Oct 27, 2008
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Something happened to my other thread, so I am making a new one. :confused:

I was thinking about getting a TS seat for my new bike.
The low seat option reduces the height of the seat by 3cm.
This would be great for me.
I am worried that less foam on the low seat will mean less comfort.

Does the low seat option sacrifice comfort?
How comfortable is the seat after a 6 hour ride? Does the seat eventually become less comfortable after many miles? After a few years of use?

Yes, I'm assuming the basic foam construction remains the same across bike models.

Might be hard to get a reliable answer to such a subjective question, but I'm a pesimist. :D I have no experience with a lower seat - just some ponderings since I find myself thinking the same thing... Corbin goes so far as to indicate that comfort is not so much in depth/quantity of foam as in designing the seat pan to provide a uniformly larger and ergonomic contact. Makes sense to me. From what I gather foam is secondary - after an hour or two riding squeezes all the air out you're sitting on the pan anyway, so the real question is: how uncomfortable IS that?
I had my seat on my CBR 600 shaved to a sort-of saddle shape years ago and while they took out about 3/4 of an inch, it did not affect the comfort level, it still was'nt that great though. The seats on the FZ6 are much more comfy, even stock. I am waiting for the seat I want from TS to go into the bargain seat section on their website also. I dont think 3cm should make that much of a distance with the lowered version. Top Saddelry seats are always extreamly sweet, no matter the style. Good luck and show us what the seat looks like when you get it!
Reviving this old thread just to see if anyone else responds that has actually tried the lowered version of this seat, and what their thoughts are on it.

I purchased the lowered + gel version based on the fact that TS says in their FAQ: The Gel option proves very useful for lowered seats as it compensates for the reduction in the comfort level brought on by the decrease in foam thickness.

I guess "compensates" has a different definition in France, because there's no way I could put in 6 hours of riding like others are doing on the standard seat. I start to get sore in 20-30 miles. I've definitely broke this seat in by logging in almost 2,000 butt numbing miles so far. I've tried scooting back, sitting forward, squirming around periodically, tilting my hips thinking it was due to body posture, etc. This lowered seat is horrible, in my opinion. :(

Anyone else with a lowered or lowered+gel seat out there?

EDIT: I haven't been able to find a good straight on side shot to really compare, but does anyone else's seat seem to have this much of a slope to it?
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I got my stock seat lowered an inch from spencers seat mods. Its on its way to me now. There is a thread on it somewhere, but i will post up aa little review once i get it broken in :)
I've got the lowered seat with no gel option, I haven't done a 6 hour ride but I've done a 2 hour ride before. I start moving around a bit in the seat after 2 hours. I'm not sore or anything, but I get a tingly feeling every once in a while. Keep in mind I'm a 36" waist so it might be better for those with smaller posteriors.