Possibly the biggest FAIL ever!!!


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
WOW. Not sure if some of you guys know about this one or not. I just found out about it a few weeks ago and I'm still shaking my head over this.

First there was the "NOS Energy Drink in the gas tank guy", then there was the "Yutt Uhhhhh stunter wanna be" and "Cleaning the chain with bike running guy", now there is a new king of stupid!! I present to you the following (brace yourself for the horror!!!)....


Yes there are 4, count em "4" masive sections cut out of his frame (front and back side of frame on each side)

If you can believe this clown is "studying Mechanical Engineering" (FAIL)!?!? Looks like he's removed these pics from his Flicker account, but they can still be seen in various places on the web.

Even painted his rotors (???)


You can follow the 50+ pages of orignial thread here: I swore I wouldn't...but - Kawasaki ZX-10R.net

I highly reccomend you read it; it is VERY entertaining!! This Shervin clown is a real piece of work. Apparantly he is now banned from the ZX10 forum as he wont' listen to anyone telling him this is (was) a horribly bad idea and his bike is now a rolling death trap. He is truely clueless. But it's ok folks, he's a "mechanical engineer" and apparantly Kawasaki engineers don't know how to deisgn a bike properly.

I'm still stunned that there is someone this stupid walking around.....well, probably not for long if he keeps riding his fail-mobile....

His Flicker account is just as entertaining: shervinrrr - Flickr: Search

I don't like to bash people, but the majority of his mods, with the exception of a one or two, are hideous; such as his hand painted tank with "COME ON BABY" brush painted on the side. Like who the f*ck does this to a bike?!?!? :eek:

This is one for the record books....
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I knew a guy years ago that would buy a new bike. Rattle can custom paint it. Could not understand what it was he was doing. I even considered the fact that I might not see and understand all the nuances of the universe and as a result couldn't be judge, but I still c0ck my head like the RCA Victor dog listening to his masters voice on the Victrola! :don'tknow:

I saw that frame lightening technique last year. Absolutely. If you did actually have a clue you would have at least used radius corners in those cutouts.
The only thing I can deduce is this has to be a bait.
I knew a guy years ago that would buy a new bike. Rattle can custom paint it. Could not understand what it was he was doing. I even considered the fact that I might not see and understand all the nuances of the universe and as a result couldn't be judge, but I still c0ck my head like the RCA Victor dog listening to his masters voice on the Victrola! :don'tknow:

I saw that frame lightening technique last year. Absolutely. If you did actually have a clue you would have at least used radius corners in those cutouts.
The only thing I can deduce is this has to be a bait.

I couldn't figure what he was trying to do cutting up the frame, now I under stand:confused:
but how many ounces was he going to save?:(
I just cant believe this... saw the flickr and some youtube videos with his "exhaust home made" and the frame of the bike is actually with a hole in it!!!

This guy is dead meat... he'll be dead soon...


OMG... he has holes on the inside of the frame too...

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Came across the idiot last year... Started off he want to make his bike faster by reducing weight!! But as you read on ...... well it gets worse im afraid
Bone, Bone, Bone man...that is the Shervinator! The dude totally rocks. He has forum after forum, thread after thread, post after post written about his exploits.

Search pretty much any major motorcycle forum and you'll find a highly enteraining thread about him. :thumbup:

And you're correct, he's right up there with NOS and Ninja 250 muffler dude.
Direct quote from ZX10r.net "Sherv I've never bagged on you, because what you do with your bike is your biz. But you can't ride that bike like that, sooner of later the front end will buckle and you are going to die."-goldfish.
I give him credit for caring about the idiot.
My concerns are two part. First this idiot is out there giving the rest of us who ride and mod our bikes the worst reputation.
Second, all too often we see in everyday life, a moron like this kill innocent people due to there stupidity. I can only hope that when his bike fails, that poor, poor bike is the only thing that ends up in a grave.
I couldn't figure what he was trying to do cutting up the frame, now I under stand:confused:
but how many ounces was he going to save?:(

It wasnt to save weight,it was RamAir..ShervinRRR style...lol

This mod is one of my faves, due to the sheer perserverance this guy showed to complete it...his math is awesome too...

Rotation of The Universe! - a set on Flickr

Direct quote from the Sherv...

Since i don't have so many friends i spend a lot of time with my bike, trying different modifications to improve it in everyway possible and make it more interesting! I am not a gambler on making things but I become a gambler on overdriving or races sometimes and do risks that i should n't do! Since i got old, more mature, and more experienced, i don't do the risks that i was doing when i was younger but still the things that i do outstands for many.

I am going to put something on my bike to remind me when i take risky decisions during racing, overdriving, or even regular riding, I am gambling with my life, others (hopefully never), and my bike's life! Plus giving this message to each viewer who looks at this bike that the bike can be a game! If you play carefully and ride wisely you are going to get benefit and enjoyment from it and if you play carelessly and ride it unwisely, it is going to put you down and damage you and make you offended!

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He's a very thpecial boy. Lol.

Next mod, a ceiling fan to force even more air in. Unfortunately only good for the first 30 metres, as then the extension cord pullls out of the wall, and tangles in the chain.