Protective Gear In Action

Nice highside! I thought he was going to simply lowside and slide out. ouch...

The jacket was totally trashed.
Well props for showing the benefits of gear but the rider is a nutcase if he highsided on purpose for the sake of making this demonstration. I wouldn't risk braking a bone on purpose ... especially when there's a good chance you're gonna land on the most important bone in your body :eek:

Not to sound too retarded, but... Whats highside/lowside?

It's the way you fall. This is a classic highside when the rear starts to slide forward, then the tyre bites and the momentum snaps you upwards and off! Spectacular, but very painful I imagine! A lowside is when the bike slides out from underneath you. I am sure there are some videos on you tube!

The guy is a nutcase to agree to film that! :eek: Maybe he's a bad stuntman who meant to lowside but got it all wrong!!!!

Poor FZ6 too! Not a crash bung or engine guard in sight! Made me think to slow down a bit though!
No lie, LONE...I wear so much PPE for my job...drysuit,pfd,steeltoe boots, ..etc. I dont jump into freezing water just to try it out.:thumbup:
WOW...the most amazing part of that video, to me, is being able to see the rear wheel as it regains traction and causes the highside!
Likely that the rider did a WWF wrestling type move and added to the momentum to flip over the bike as it does not look like the bike could throw someone like that if you were actually trying to recover.

On another note, I do not understand the disparity between one government like Australia that promotes helmets and safety gear and US states that allow people to ride with no helmet. The only time I ever needed a helmet was when my bike low sided in gravel on a median trying to turn around on the interstate. If not for my helmet my head would have been hamburger. Just this morning there was article about the Congressperson who was shoot, Gifford, that she was a motorcycle advocate and a no helmet supporter who rode without a helmet. I just do not get it!!
No lie, LONE...I wear so much PPE for my job...drysuit,pfd,steeltoe boots, ..etc. I dont jump into freezing water just to try it out.:thumbup:

Did you get all your buoys pulled the other day? Hahaha!
He's not joking about the icy water! :eek:
No lie, LONE...I wear so much PPE for my job...drysuit,pfd,steeltoe boots, ..etc. I dont jump into freezing water just to try it out.:thumbup:

For $10,000,000 you would suffer no injury. You would have enough money to retire in comfort and do whatever you want to do for the rest of your life.

I reckon you would do it for $100,000.

You would.

I just always call people out on the "you couldn't pay me enough to do it" because we all have a price. All of us. For everything.
For $10,000,000 you would suffer no injury. You would have enough money to retire in comfort and do whatever you want to do for the rest of your life.

I reckon you would do it for $100,000.

You would.

I just always call people out on the "you couldn't pay me enough to do it" because we all have a price. All of us. For everything.

And my price is dinner and a movie.;)
I agree that everyone has their price, however, mine isnt monetary.

Yes Cliff, we did finish up that area.:rockon: Still a few more to go next week. It was ballz a$$ freezing too!:eek: We had two buoys tangled together...what a treat that was!:Flip:
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