Poll: How to help stranded biker

How would you help a stranded biker?

  • Offer him a lift in the back to the gas station. Get gas in a portable tank and take him back.

    Votes: 26 32.1%
  • Same as option 1 but you bring him gas.

    Votes: 41 50.6%
  • Call AAA

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Keep riding, you really can't help him out.

    Votes: 4 4.9%

  • Total voters
One time I was on my way to work and saw a guy pushing a bike on the side of the highway. I thought about stopping to help but he was almost to the exit where there was gas stations and sense I really didn't have extra time I didn't stop. I have though about the situation and wondered if I made the right choice.

I am sure if it was a different situation where I had extra time or it was in the middle of no where I would have stopped to help out.

I have been on the receiving end of help when my FZ shut down on me. I was on my way home from work and I got lucky because a couple of guys with a truck were on their way home from a softball game and heading my way. We loaded the bike up and they took me home.
Thinking about this thread/poll I thought it might be a good idea to mention safety consciousness when stopping to help.
Please be careful when stopping to help. Turn on your 4 way flashers. If in a car stop at least 50 ft. back from the other vehicle if you can. If you've passed it and can't back up behind the vehicle, park forward well away from their vehicle. Keep any eye on the traffic! Make sure you tell the person you're helping that this is a potentially dangerous situation and to be aware of traffic.
If you're not going to be accessing or working on the vehicle and there is a guard rail, stand behind the rail where possible.

I don't think there is a need to make people aware of the fact that there are to many people with divided attention while they drive today.

Pay attention to your instincts! :confused::eyebrow: If you don't feel comfortable don't stop. :noworries:
I'll stop to help out pretty much anyone. Even if it's only to see if they have phone reception.

I gave directions once to dude having overheating troubles to get himself onto a less hilly, and much more shaded road on a 40+ degree day. While he was driving as far as he could before having to stop again, I shot off and grabbed him and his wife some cold water from the nearest deli. Being stuck in an overheating car on a 40+ degree day is no joke. They were most grateful....for the water, and the shaded route, that had them going downhill in a very short time, so they could get further before stopping,

So next time someone bags the crud out of bikers, and spouts off about how evil we are, this guy can perhaps set them straight.:thumbup:
I'm confused. Not where? Maybe he was trying to tell you not to touch the hot exhaust??
I don't know what he was on about mate. The Jota doesn't have under-seat exhausts.
Even if it did he could have articulated it in a slightly nicer way.
Don't get me wrong I will always stop to help. It drives my wife nuts.
I just can't stand rudeness.

The only time I broke down (well I ran out of gas really) was when i went to go pick up my very first bike, a 2002 Honda Shadow 1100. The guys said it had enough gas to get me back to base, boy was he wrong. Luckily I had a buddy following me home who had a gas can and I ran out of gas right across the street from a gas station.
I did stop once to see if a fellow biker need assistance, but he was just pulled over to answer a phone call (wise man). Haven't seen another one since, but if I do, I will stop to see if that person needs help.:thumbup:
I pulled over for a HD rider earlier this year. Broke down and forgot his phone that day. I lent him mine to call his brother to bring the trailer down. No big deal, but was glad I stopped and was able to help out. Rider sure appreciated it.
Hopefully if I am ever stuck someone will stop and ask if I need help.
My husband made me PROMISE to NEVER stop to help someone if I am alone. Like Kazza said, as a woman, it is just too dangerous to take a chance to stop when someone may have ulterior motives. :(
That said, I DID stop once when I saw an older lady standing next to her broken down old van. She was barely on the shoulder of the interstate, and she was trying to flag down drivers. I was more worried for HER safety than my own!
She did not have a cell phone. I called the police for her and waited with her in my car until the police arrived. The officer thanked me for waiting with her, and cautioned me about doing that again! :rolleyes:
Turn around. Give thumbs up inquisitively. If all is well ride on. If not, stop and help. Worst case scenario you ride in a circle for all of 2 minutes.
stop if at all possible. life is too short not to.

I didn't know how to answer, since the answers didn't seem to match the question. Are you asking just for out of gas bikers in need, or any time? I've stopped twice - and been waved on by the bikers both times. Once was a Ducati, who waved me on very quickly. I'm sure he had help coming and was just trying to avoid being seen with a Japanese bike owner LOL. The second time was on the freeway - a cruiser. He might have waved me on for the same reason as the first.

I still don't know how to answer the poll though - I don't know if either guy was out of gas or broken down for another reason.

I didn't answer the poll either.
I have been helped so many times by drivers when my bicycles had problems that I am duty bound to payback someone in trouble.
Sorry if the poll is confusing. The purpose of this poll was to see what else could have been done to help a stranded biker. I appreciated all the stories of people helping fellow motorcyclists. I really wished I could have stopped and help that guy, but I saw him too late and had already exited the ramp.
On Sunday I was passed in my car by a BMW Dakar and an RT riding (I thought) together. A couple of hours later on the freeway I saw a biker stopped at the side of the road so I slowed and pulled into the emergency lane and saw it was the Dakar. As I stopped next to him he turned and I saw he was on his cell, I asked :thumbup: ? and he replied :thumbup: so I carried on.

No sign of the RT.
Last year while me a buddy were riding I ran out of gas. we found a soda/pop bottle on the side of the road, popped the fuel line off of his bike, filled the bottle twice and I was able to ride to the next gas station. Sure, you loose a bit of gas cleaning the bottle out before you add it to the tank, but heck, it got me going.