Rate Your Own Visibility

That quiz is BS! I ride with a high viz jacket, pump the brakes, signal for every lane change, adjust position and it still scored me .25. WTF!
2.5 out of 10? yellow jacket and helmet, lots of high visibility behavior and i got a 2.5? i am also a bit skeptical of the validity of this test...
1.25 :eek:

Yet again my bike is silver, I wear black gear with only a couple of reflective stripes on the jacket and I have no lights/horn-related mods whatsoever ...
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I thought that at least 5 out of 10..
Just score 2.
I did most of them (half of them) good answers..???
Is this quiz result correct???
But it tells me some thought.
7.5 for me, no I will not install a headlight or tail light modulator, or wear a white helmet, or put reflective tape all over my gear or bike, but that's just me :rolleyes:
"Thanks for taking our survey. Your visibility rating is 10.50 out of 10.

Congratulations! You are officially a High-Viz rider! You are obvious to most other drivers out there, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do more to increase your visibility.":Flash:

No flourescent clothing, either.

I don't ride in crappy conditions, and I move in my lane ALWAYS for maximum visibility.
That quiz is BS! I ride with a high viz jacket, pump the brakes, signal for every lane change, adjust position and it still scored me .25. WTF!

LOL...I'm a Motorcycle Safety Instructor and scored a .25! They're telling me what to do? I have reflective tape on my helmet and bike. I have modulating & auxillary brake lights, and so on. Don't know how I scored so low.

Yes I ride at night, dusk, dawn, in the rain etc. That's what the reflective material is for. It's no good during the day. You shouldn't be penalized for riding in those conditions if you are properly equipped.

BS I agree.
11.25 for me!
No fluorescent clothing (black leather jacket), no hand signals (not even gloves), almost never try to make myself visible, not any kind of modulator/extra light, ... That's the way to go!
5.75 out of 10. Same as Eric... I'm not putting funky crap all over me. I'd rather just stay ahead of the cages by twisting the throttle. :D
LOL...I'm a Motorcycle Safety Instructor and scored a .25! They're telling me what to do? I have reflective tape on my helmet and bike. I have modulating & auxillary brake lights, and so on. Don't know how I scored so low.

Yes I ride at night, dusk, dawn, in the rain etc. That's what the reflective material is for. It's no good during the day. You shouldn't be penalized for riding in those conditions if you are properly equipped.

BS I agree.

It seems you missed the point completely. Here is how you scored so low (just guessing BTW)....

Your visibility is EXTREMELY POOR duing night/dusk/dawn/rain....hence the low score! It's a "rate your visibility test" not a "how hard do I try to be visible" test or "how defensive of a rider am I" test.

I wear black leather but only sometimes ride at night or in the rain as I basically ride for pleasure only.
I got 8.5 Don't know why. Probably that stupid, striped, stuffed, tiger glued on top of my helmet. :D