Engine Stalls


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Elite Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Highland, CA
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I keep having a problem with my engine stalling. At first I thought it was something I was doing wrong, maybe I am. After a hundred miles or so of canyon carving my bike will die at the first couple of stop signs on the way home. It happens as I pull in the clutch to make an easy downshift. My engine stalls out and just as i let out the clutch -wham- my back tire locks because I effectively just push started my bike at 20 miles an hour. Any ideas? After it cools down a bit, it doesn't do it anymore.
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Thx for the link...I checked the idle and it was at 900-1040. So i bumped it up to 1150...we'll see next Thursday.
I checked the idle and it was at 900-1040. So i bumped it up to 1150

For some strange reason when I bought mine it was set way to low as well,so I bumped it up.Got it back from a service and it was low again !

Now I do all the work I can myself.I never had the stalling prob though.
I don't think it would be the TPS , not on an 06.
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