2010 Dragons Tail FZ6RC Meet.



As of now we need to start getting ready for the 2010 meet.

I think June 4 2010 (friday) thru June 14 2010 (monday) would be best. This will give every one time to plan way in advance.
It will cost 3000$ plus food. Call it 3800-4000$ (we went thru 392$ worth of food this week)
We could rent all three with food for right around 5000$ I think that may be the best option.

Bring girlfriends, wives, and friends. We can get 36 people in if we get lots of couples.

Most likely scenario.

We need 6 couples that would share a room with another couple at the point (nicest house there) so thats 12. one of the fold out couch and one on a cot in the basement. for 13.

Treetops. 9 in beds and up to two more couples and one on the couch.
for 23 total.

7 in beds.
30 people.

We need 30 people that can pay 175$ each for a 9 days in the mountains.

Here is a link to the places.
Tail of the Dragon Vacation Rentals near Cherohala Skyway and Deals Gap

Good food, and great roads. Lots of fun people and memories you will enjoy for the rest of your life. Its really a special place.

I am in. I will edit the thread as more people pay.
Paypal AntMB
Beds are on a First Pay, First Bed status.
NO REFUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to sell your spot thats fine, we are not refunding money. Its not fair to the other people.
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I'm in, just need to scratch together the funds!!!!! Give me a week or two and you'll have my $$
I need to get a job, fix my bike and then i'm totally down for another trip there. Hopefully I can stay for more days too!
Can't make it because, as stated in the 2009 meet, can't do the first week of ANY month. Thanks anyway but if it can't be a week later, we'll have to go on our own again, otherwise, Ant would already have our money and we'd have a couple's bed.

How about the week before Memorial day where people can stretch that one more Monday out without taking another vacation day? This was when we went this year and we practically had the Dragon to ourselves during the week days.

Enjoy the trip next year guys.
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Paypal is great, but they really take their fair share. If we raise 5,200 via paypal we'll be paying them around $160 dollars in fees, or about $6 per person. I guess teh only other way would be to mail the funds but what a PIA.
The holiday weekend would probably be a real crouded time up there. A lot of people also make family plans that weekend.

It is crowded that weekend being the BOS Bash at the Crossroads, but what we all did was ride the Dragon during the week and saved the other great routes, like the Bridal Veil one, for the weekend. Worked out GREAT! The Dragon was about empty on the week days.
Paypal is great, but they really take their fair share. If we raise 5,200 via paypal we'll be paying them around $160 dollars in fees, or about $6 per person. I guess teh only other way would be to mail the funds but what a PIA.

Don't most banks allow people to send e-checks these days? When do you want to start collecting the dough?
Paypal is great, but they really take their fair share. If we raise 5,200 via paypal we'll be paying them around $160 dollars in fees, or about $6 per person. I guess teh only other way would be to mail the funds but what a PIA.

That $160 could go towards food and drinks!

You should pay by U.S Postal Money Order. Only costs about $1, and it can be cashed at ANY U.S. Post Office! And the stamp. Forgot the postage.
So i was watching the speed channel... and they were showing Superbikes with Jason Britton...He was at dragons tale.. That was crazy thinking that's the place i might think of going next year. It looked like such nice rodes..People were great it looked like to.. and pure Yamaha riders over there...idk if anyone else caught this show..but i'm sure there will be re-runs..

Question to whomever has gone to dragons tail:

Have you ever been to a mechanic guy at the start of the hill...kinda old...
Are we constrained to June or can look at end of April (22-24, just in time for IRS refund ;-) or May etc as weather might be better.

Either way count me in (hope to make it next year ;-)
I cant do that week. The guy I work with has his anniversery that week and takes vacation every year.

Ok... thanks anyway Steve. This *may* change though as she is trying to switch departments in the company. She has an interview tomorrow. Cross 'em if you've got 'em! :D

If I cannot make the FZ6 Meet with the new ride and her on her FZ6R then we'll have to shoot for the FZ1 meet. Either way, we'll have a great time. It's just that I know all of you guys like a family and I only know a few folks in the other forum(s).

I'll try hard though! I know there's no way to meet the needs of everyone. ;)
just asking some questions....

no way i can go for that amount of time. i have an uncle-in-law who has a house not far from there. what's the possibilities of me not paying anything, going to my uncle-in-laws house for a day or two and just meeting up with you guys? would that be frowned upon?
Nope not at all... if you plan to eat with us prob throw in a few bucks once you get there. This year one of stayed elsewhere but hung out and rode with us most of the time.