Joke time

And somehow you still seem to think that I am some sort of Bush lover, even though I have stated clearly and repeatedly that I did not vote for him.

My point is that the economic philosophy that has held sway for the last 28 years is fatally flawed. Not that Bush is bad, that is another issue entirely.

The other point is that all the talking heads and Politicians going apoplectic over the deficit weren't screaming about it until Obama got elected. You also conveniently ignore the fact that these same people were that ones saying the deficits didn't matter when others were fighting against more tax cuts because they saw our current situation coming.

What needs to be done right now is Fiscal Stimulus and that is what Obama is doing. Monitary policy is not working since the Fed has already lowered the fed funds and discount rates to near zero and we are still losing employment . Nobel Prize Economist Paul Krugman thinks things are so bad that Obama might not be spending enough to jump start enough new jobs to stop the downward spiral. Cutting spending now would be the worst course of action.

So all I'm saying is why should anyone want to listen to anyone who continue to believe in a economic theory that has led us to near ruin?

And, if you didn't vote for Bush in 2000 and 2004, who did you vote for? Ralph Nader?:D
My point is that the economic philosophy that has held sway for the last 28 years is fatally flawed. Not that Bush is bad, that is another issue entirely.

The other point is that all the talking heads and Politicians going apoplectic over the deficit weren't screaming about it until Obama got elected. You also conveniently ignore the fact that these same people were that ones saying the deficits didn't matter when others were fighting against more tax cuts because they saw our current situation coming.

What needs to be done right now is Fiscal Stimulus and that is what Obama is doing. Monitary policy is not working since the Fed has already lowered the fed funds and discount rates to near zero and we are still losing employment . Nobel Prize Economist Paul Krugman thinks things are so bad that Obama might not be spending enough to jump start enough new jobs to stop the downward spiral. Cutting spending now would be the worst course of action.

So all I'm saying is why should anyone want to listen to anyone who continue to believe in a economic theory that has led us to near ruin?

And, if you didn't vote for Bush in 2000 and 2004, who did you vote for? Ralph Nader?:D

So you are philosophically against capitalism and the American way of life? It's actually worked wonders since we founded this country on the principles of capitalism and individual freedoms. We have become the most wealthy, most powerful nation on the planet because of it. In the past 28 years we defeated communism, destroyed the iron curtain, and brought freedom and democracy to Europe all because of our capitalism. We outspent the Soviets, we were able to do so because our economic system is far superior. We won the cold war, remember?

Your statement that tax cuts caused our current situation is laughable. Please explain how tax cuts cause the subprime lending crash and subsequent financial crisis? They didn't by the way.

To date, about 4% of the "stimulus" money has been spent, and we have lost roughly 2 million jobs. The spending bill is not a stimulus, which implies a quick jolt intended to stimulate the economy. Bush's tax cut was an honest attempt at a stimulus which failed. Obama's is taking the exact same failed policy, but adding in $700 billion for his party to spend on everything they have ever wanted, and roughly 80% of it is set to be spent AFTER the first two years. That is not a stimulus.

The idea that there are precisely 2 answers and you cannot argue for any alternative to the current course of action, which the president himself has condemned as counterproductive and dangerous, is simply preposterous. Is stimulus necessary? No. What would the alternative be? A much quicker resolution to the current recession, a lot of bad companies dying and taking good ones with them. Private enterprise would rebuild. The way we are currently going about it is to allow the federal government control of industry. They are inserting themselves (by using our money) and not allowing private industries to run their course. The democrats are now planning to bailout their friends in the newspaper business, a clear violations of our rights to a free press, for instance.

Now you are saying that Obama needed to spend a lot more? Really? So what's your point? That he screwed up? That he was wrong? Are you saying he's throwing trillions of good money after bad? Or that we should be ready when his current policies fail and he comes looking for more money?

You seem to think that because we are in a recession that our economic system has failed. This is interesting since it's happened since the beginning of modern ecomonics in every developed country on the planet. There have always been boom times and busts. Yes it would be nice to minimize the busts, but not at the cost of the booms. Your answer is government controlled mediocracy, at equal outcome, not equal opportunity. What is your vision then? To be as successful as France? As stable as California? Honestly, what do you think the outcome will be? Europe has a 12% unemployment rate on a good day, their healthcare is substandard- they fly here for major operations, they have violent riots daily due to the hopeless lack of opportunity for young people to proper and better themselves. They have a massive welfare system that is completely unsustainable and unravelling as we speak. That's what happens when the takers out number the givers, and have control over how much they get. Why would you model yourself after something worse than what you are? Your dream is to strive for a broken, unsustainable system of government control? Try Cuba.
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So you are philosophically against capitalism and the American way of life? It's actually worked wonders since we founded this country on the principles of capitalism and individual freedoms.
Founded, yes. But we have strayed very far from founding principles. I don't believe our founding fathers would be very happy with the way things have changed.
And I don't see how his comments imply that he's against the "American way of life." Not agreeing with decisions the government has made or conducted themselves doesn't make us un-American, quite the opposite, it is our questioning of policy that makes us a democracy.

We have become the most wealthy, most powerful nation on the planet because of it.
No, we are not. Most powerful? Not so much. Most wealthy? Wait, aren't be borrowing boat-loads of money from China?

In the past 28 years we defeated communism, destroyed the iron curtain, and brought freedom and democracy to Europe all because of our capitalism. We outspent the Soviets, we were able to do so because our economic system is far superior. We won the cold war, remember?
Let me take issue with some of that. We did not bring Democracy to Europe. We adapted Democracy from Europe.
We did not defeat Communism. There are plenty of Communist countries in the world, and China, arguable the most wealthy and powerful country, is one of them.
As for the "Iron Curtain," I come from Romania and I have a pretty good understanding of the BS that happened there and the rest of the "Iron Curtain." The US had little to nothing to do with its downfall. It was a long time coming, and the US, much like WW2, came in at the last minute with the flag waving and claiming the win where the majority of people who did the fighting (and dieing) were the people of the respective nation.

Don't get me wrong, I love this country. I believe it has the potential to once again be the shining exaple of democracy, freedom, and opportunity it once was. But we have a long road to ride, and I hope we get there sooner rather than later.
Founded, yes. But we have strayed very far from founding principles. I don't believe our founding fathers would be very happy with the way things have changed.
And I don't see how his comments imply that he's against the "American way of life." Not agreeing with decisions the government has made or conducted themselves doesn't make us un-American, quite the opposite, it is our questioning of policy that makes us a democracy.

No, we are not. Most powerful? Not so much. Most wealthy? Wait, aren't be borrowing boat-loads of money from China?

Let me take issue with some of that. We did not bring Democracy to Europe. We adapted Democracy from Europe.
We did not defeat Communism. There are plenty of Communist countries in the world, and China, arguable the most wealthy and powerful country, is one of them.
As for the "Iron Curtain," I come from Romania and I have a pretty good understanding of the BS that happened there and the rest of the "Iron Curtain." The US had little to nothing to do with its downfall. It was a long time coming, and the US, much like WW2, came in at the last minute with the flag waving and claiming the win where the majority of people who did the fighting (and dieing) were the people of the respective nation.

Don't get me wrong, I love this country. I believe it has the potential to once again be the shining exaple of democracy, freedom, and opportunity it once was. But we have a long road to ride, and I hope we get there sooner rather than later.

We are without a doubt the most powerful military force on Earth, and while our economy is in recession our GDP is far more than any outher country on Earth including China.

I agree that we have strayed from the founding principals of our nation, but the fact that we are now running full speed away from them is cause for concern. We are the land of the free. Equal opportunity, not equal outcome. Individual freedom, not cog in socialist machine.

As for the velvet revolution and the fall of the Soviet Union, yes, that was the United States. I seem to recall our military stationed in Europe keeping out the Soviet hordes for decades. We outspent. We evolved faster, our military technology was better, we invested more money into it. I think the turning point was Reagan and Star Wars, when the Soviets realized that they could no longer keep up, they could not continue an arms race with a nation that was far more capable due to the captilist economy fueling their efforts.

There are currently 4 communist nations on Earth. China is no longer a true communist nation as their economic policy has shifted to allow for organic growth and to an extent, capitalism. Why? Because it's difficult to argue with the results- prosperity. The other three commies are North Korea (a rotting cess pool apparently hell bent on blackmailing the UN with nuclear weapons this week), Vietnam, and Cuba. So you could say we didn't bring about the fall of communism, but I would call it pretty damn close to.

My point remains though, what is the cuurent plan? It looks like European socialism. Why?