Australia honeymoon bikery - on an FZ6


Apr 17, 2008
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San Bruno, CA
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It was almost a year into our marriage that we got around to the full honeymoon (we had a quickie at New Orleans Jazzfest in April) - but better to do it right than to do it quickly.

The full version involved a trip to Hawaii and Australia. We SCUBAed the Great Barrier Reef. But motorcycling had to make an appearance. How could we travel halfway around the world and not ride a moto?

Well, we could really only rent one, moola-wise, and as my hubby slydrite is the more competent and experienced rider, I hopped on the back. After all, we had to deal with kangaroos once we got out of the city (all we had to do was think of them as 'deer' to make the idea of them a lot less cute), and driving on the 'wrong' side of the road the whole time.


The rental place was a train ride and a bus ride out of the city - about 20 minutes if done correctly, and about an hour as I arranged it. *sigh*

Town Hall on the way:


The only bike they had left that was suitable for two-up touring was an FZ6s Fazer. Yes, I traveled halfway around the world to ride bitch on my own bike. :rof: The woman doing the hiring told us that the bike was her own personal bike, and to please be good to it. All I could think was - if it's your own personal bike, why have Cheng Shin tires on it?

We asked nicely to use one of their tail bags to carry our stuff, and got it. In all of the pictures, it looks like it's falling off - it's firmly attached, but for aesthetics (if nothing else), it needed a strap going to the top handle.

We rented helmets and brought our moto gloves. It simply wasn't practical, however, to take the rest of our gear - so we had to risk riding in high-tops, jeans, and long-sleeved shirts. Well, if you have to take a chance to ride halfway around the world, it's worth doing - or so we decided.

Off we went. Our destination - the Blue Mountains, some ways to the west.

We did a bit of a freeway stint. Even looking at the speedo and seeing '90' doesn't change the visceral knowledge that, by California standards, we were going pretty slowly.

The many speed cameras we came across were all very, very clearly marked. They're pretty much an "Are you paying attention?" test.



I was shocked to see markings for bike lanes on the freeway. But then I saw bicyclists, too... I sure as hades wouldn't do that.



After the freeway, we stopped at a fruit stand for some snacks. After yakking back and forth at each other in obviously US accents, a fellow stocking fruit asked if we were from the States. Well, yep! He was fun and kind, and chatted with us a bit about the Blue Mountains and about the States, saying he wanted to visit some day.



There were many statues for sale at another section of the fruit stand. Statues of people always come across as freaky to me, as their eyes are eerily blank. Especially the cherubs.


Mmm... compost.


We continued on - and hit major traffic. In CA, we would share through - but there, it didn't seem to be legal, so we didn't risk it. It was terrible. Every exit for a Touristy View Of Pretty Things was totally clogged.


We finally found a highway to a northbound route, and traffic decreased.


Finally, we found a nice, twisty, two-lane road into the mountains. Slydrite let himself have a little fun.



I tried out the bike. Riding on the left is disconcerting. I kept wanting to get on the right, as I was sure the next vehicle coming around the corner would hit me...


Slydrite had some more fun.


We finally hit the main road back to Sydney. It was a lot like Highway 9 out here - smooth, well-paved, pretty, but the turns just too long and sweeping. In order to push it for some fun, you had to go fast enough to make any potential accident a bad one. Slydrite is the person I trust more than anyone else to handle anything unexpected on a moto, however. He scrubbed away a lot of chicken strip.





To US peeps, these pictures are probably a little scary. :p "Wrong side!!"





We stopped at the Apple Bar for lunch.


And continued.

The scenery was pretty - and oddly enough, reminded me a lot of the midwest farmland I saw a lot of as a girl. The green lushness, the small, bright flowers, the orderly little houses, the creeks, the blue sky streaked with white.






Gotta love Aussieland. Where in the US will you see a PSA on how to take a line properly?


We stopped to look at a sign that said, "Grass Karts." Even though he was squiddin' it up, The Mr. looked so lovely on the bike that I had to take some shots.



There's something stereotypically Australian about this.

More speed cameras.


A quick reflection shot:


This is a Bay Area thing, but - teH NiNe!!!11!


That must be like wearing a scarlet "A."


In the US, the signs say "Slower traffic keep right" - but 'slower' is a relative term, and everyone parks to the left. This is much better language, IMO.


Signs that amused me.


More bikes when we got back and were playing around on foot. This is the kind of thing you don't find street-legal in the US. What a beast.


A much less beastly two-stroke.


An unbeastly 125.


Moto ambulance! Awesome.



It was sad, in some ways, to come back - but at least I have this to come back to!

Great documentation of your trip!

I spent a year of my college life living in Syndey, and took numerous trips to the Blue Mountains. It is one of my favorite places in the world.

I turned 21 in Sydney, and on that next morning, I rented a car with some other Amiercan friends who were studying abroad with me, and we began a roadtrip. I was well hungover from the night before, and I was the first driver of the trip. It was also my first time driving on the left. Trying to drive a car on the side of the lane I was used to would have been enough of a challenge in the state I was in, but trying to do it on the left was probably the most dangerous thing I'd ever done, driving out of the congested city.
Great pics roadstergal :thumbup:

I went to Australia about 9 years ago with the wife and we had a great time too :thumbup:
We also did Sydney, blue mountains and then an inland flight to cairns (to dive on the barrier reef) but we didn't hire a bike while we were there, looks like there were some really sweet roads :rockon:. We went hiking around the blue mountains for 3 days, staying near the three sisters (we caught the train from sydney).

Pleased to hear you had a such great time on your honeymoon :thumbup:
Great pics and story Roadstergal. I went to Australia once too.....

I'm still here (only 'cause nowhere else will have me...LMAO):spank::spank::D

I really should visit Australia. It almost looks like a dream. Here Flanders is like one big city and actually I never can enjoy the quality's of the fz6 here. It's more like a place for 125cc's...
Thanx for sharing - GR8 pics! Next time try South Africa (driving on the left as well with allot of taxi's driving anywhere)- with the current exchange rate you'll have a joll <lovely time>!
I really should visit Australia. It almost looks like a dream. Here Flanders is like one big city and actually I never can enjoy the quality's of the fz6 here. It's more like a place for 125cc's...

we are the lucky country, 1000's of kilometers of fantastic bike roads, generally uncluttered by pesky cager's!
It actually makes me wonder if there are people in Australia who haven't got a bike. :)

funnily enough, us bikers are a minority in Australia, only about 80000 bikes sold in I'd each year, and a vast majority are dirt bikes! Yes, lots of space to get off road too!

In the northern territory, we even have roads with no speed limit!