Crashed this morning


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Jul 6, 2008
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Santa Monica (currently) & Chicago
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Headed to work at 9am this morning. I turn left (North) onto Centinela Ave from Venice Blvd. Guy in a blue Mazda 3 turns right (North) out of a parking lot on the right side of Centinela Ave and goes in the far right lane. I'm in the left lane. He decides to pull a U-turn right in front of me, as he was trying to get behind the traffic stopped for the light and head South on Centinela. I slam on my brakes, start to go over the front of the bike, and clip the back corner of his car. I fly over my bike and the back of his car and land on the ground. See paint image below. I'll post more pictures later.

Damage to me is manageable. I am very sore, and just went to the doctor for some medication to handle the strained muscles and tendons. Hopefully it clears up quickly and I can be back to 100%. My knees, hips, lower back, elbows and forearms are sore. I'm really glad I was wearing my full gear. No road rash or any more serious issues.

The front fairings on the bike are cracked and shattered, and the entire front pod is cracked up and moved around. My frame sliders saved most of the side of the bike, but my left foot peddle snapped off and there are some scrapes on the back left of the seat area. I'll check it out tonight to see if the forks are bent or anything more serious, but from a cursory glance from a non-professional, it looks to be fixable. The adjuster comes out Monday morning!

I don't think I'm at fault for this. The police wouldn't come to the scene since there was no property damage and no one was "injured". After the adrenaline left me, I started feeling sore and limping, so I went to the police office and got a report put together to cover my ass if the guy decides to change his story. I'm glad he didn't flee the scene (very common around here) and there were no issues exchanging information.

Stay safe out there guys. Accidents suck!
Christ man sorry to hear about that

Had a smash myself, into the back of a 08 Lexus jeep on a motorway 2 weeks ago

Same sort of story, not much damage to be but a bit to the bike

Hope you get it all fixed up and recover soon!
WOW, glad overall you are ok, I am surprised the LEO would not come to the scene??WTF who made the call there was no injury??your hurting aren't you?? Damage as well?? Did you manage to snap a couple of pics with your cell to document the scene??

Good luck on the repairs:cheer:
We both called 911 to report the incident, and at the time I thought I was uninjured. The adrenaline wasn't allowing any of the pain to come through. On the ride back I started to feel the pain. That's why the police wouldn't come. I also had a hard time getting a police report when I went to the station.

There was one witness but I didn't get his info. Luckily, he had told me he watched it from the orthodontist on the street... I'm going to stop there after work to see if they could give me his information! Stupid of me... I did get pictures of his license plate, damage to his car, my bike and the scene.

Crazy thing... I had put my phone and wallet on the SIDE POCKET to my tail bag (never do that), and right before I left this morning I moved it inside a shoe in my bag instead. I thought to myself "if I go down, I'll smash my iPhone!" Haha who knew :)
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Sorry man. I can't stand when people do chit like that. Glad you didn't get seriously hurt, machinery can be fixed/replaced, you can't. Stay safe everyone.
First, really glad you're ok.

Second, a car cuts you off, you hit it, fly over your bike, bike gets smashed up, you get bruised up and THE COPS WOULDN'T COME??? What the hell is that BS? Man, I would be livid. For nothing else, I want a cop there if I'm in an accident that's not my fault to get the driver cited and at least an on-scene accident report filled out.

Are they all too busy collecting overtime waving flags at construction sites? (Sorry if a cop reads this but it drives me crazy that Mass has a law saying that only cops can be flag wavers, and at overtime to boot).
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Glad to hear you are alright Steve. That's the most important part. Motorcycles can be fixed and replaced. I had someone do this to me just this past Monday in LA from a parking spot on the curb, decided to do a U-turn right in front of me ON HER CELL PHONE NO LESS:spank:. I did a stoppie right up to her driver side window and she's sitting their like a deer in headlights not sure what to do, so of course she stops right in the middle of the road. Again:spank:. I swear it is just too easy to get a driver's license around here.:rolleyes:
Didn't have a chance to use my horn. I wish I did!! I had enough time to slam on my brakes and bring the back off the ground before I hit him.

It's pretty crazy to me that a LEO wouldn't come out. The other guy called 911 first and told me that, and I had to call them again to make sure. I don't get it either!
Glad you're OK!!!

One good reason to NOT move to Santa Monica! Nice Police there! What DO they get paid for?

I hope you work it all out with his insurance! Take care and keep us posted!
Wish I could have handled my stoppie... but that was my first one (ever) and I wouldn't have had enough space to stop completely.

Mine wasn't on purpose, trust me. It was only because I was on the front brakes so hard trying to stop in time that my rear-end just came up. Thankfully I had just enough time to get the bike stopped. I think I was literally 2 feet from her when it finally stopped.:eek:
Maybe I can start practicing those on the bike before it gets fixed :squid:

Good thing I put the frame sliders on last week!!!! Man... lots of things are "lucky" about this situation.

And just to double check with everyone, I was right to file a claim with MY insurance, correct? They will contact his insurance and everything, and I shouldn't have to deal with it?
You have to wonder if........ by using the horn instead of the brake, if the guy would have stopped immediatley in his tracks and you may have avoided the situation without even slowing down.

I know this decision is in a matter of a second. But the key word is decision. If you have to think, then you're probably toast. Everyone will react to a situation in different ways. The outcome might be different, or it may end up the same. Some will grab a hand full of brake, and others like myself, will use the horn or both.
If I would have used the horn instead of my brakes, and he stopped, I would have went head-on directly in his drivers side door. There was enough time for me to just "clip" the back of his hatchback while I was in the air.
I'm glad you're okay.

If I read your post right, the cops "wouldn't come to the scene since there was no property damage and no one was "injured"." You're bike is sort of wrecked, isn't that considered property damage?
wow....sorry to hear about this. Very glad you are ok! That dude needed a good :spank:

I wish you a speedy recovery from being sore. your little drawing you added.