Yup, I'd have died.


Junior Member
May 15, 2012
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Chicago, IL
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Keep your titanium balls for when there's a centipede in your helmet and get this :BLAA:

Just bought that cause spiders have taken a real liking to my Fizzer. I mean who wouldn't but they are still not welcomed.
You should imagine what the spider felt.

It must have been a terrified experience for the little guy.

Here he is chillaxing in a nice and comfy place, completely unaware of the impeding horror that is about happen to him.
Out of nowhere, a giant blob full of hair is about to smash him to tiny poodle of green juice. Luckily he manages to hide in one of the small crevices of the inner EPS liner.

He is afraid, completely terrified of what is happening. He decides to wait out and carefully hide from his doom. Unfortunately for him, the giant blob of hair gets hot. So he decides to open of top vents of the helmet. the tiny itsy bitsy spider is now about to be sucked out his own home at 90 mile per hour.

In a last desperate attempt to save himself the spidey decides to risk it all and decides to sprint as fast as he can out of the ever increasing jets of air trying to suck him out into the abyss of the unknown and certain death.
His only way survive is to head on the giant blob of hair. It's a poetic David vs. Goliath moment. The spidey knows it and in a desperate attempt digs into the meadows of the giant's hair. He runs and runs. There's no end! the spidey knows he is lost in the hairy labyrinth.

Suddenly he finds a cave that is nice and warm. It's either that or death.
The spidey decides to take a chance and dig himself in the warm cave unsuspectingly aggravating the his enemy even more for he just entered the giant's inner ear canal............


I had the misfortune of a bumble bee getting trap between my eyeglasses and inner shield as I slow down, I immediately realized a simple push of the button on the top of my helmet will instantly retract the inner shield.... and out came the bee. It was summer and I decided to ride with the outside shield up...... but could you imagine getting stun?!
Never learned my lesson, I still ride like this when it's too hot :BLAA:
I had the misfortune of a bumble bee getting trap between my eyeglasses and inner shield as I slow down, I immediately realized a simple push of the button on the top of my helmet will instantly retract the inner shield.... and out came the bee. It was summer and I decided to ride with the outside shield up...... but could you imagine getting stun?!
Never learned my lesson, I still ride like this when it's too hot :BLAA:

I have been stung 3 times on one ride. The wasp stings are no problem but the honey bee stings are bad for me. They leave that barbed stinger in you with that little gland that pumps you up with the venom. I have systemic reaction but don't have any problems breathing. I do swell up and start to look like the Elephant Man. The last time I was stung they gave me steroids to reduce the swelling. Don't worry when you get stung. You'll instantly choose to calmly stop in a safe place and check your sting. It's kind of like putting a little hot sauce on your ride! LOL! If it's a honey bee it will only sting you once.
If it's a wasp or hornet....well.....they can sew your helmet liner to your head! :eek: