You want the speed? You cant HANDLE the speed!!

Reminds me of the movie "Pushing Tin"!!! I'm an airplane buff and this movie is fantastic if you like planes. Billy Bob Thornton and a few hotties. They do this kind of thing with a Boeing 747 on landing and it blows them back 100's of feet!! If you like planes and manly competition please go to Blockbuster and rent this movie. A one of a kind for sure.
LOL, that's awesome..., reminded me of this video from way back when.

[ame=]YouTube - Spitfire Low Pass[/ame]
Wow! Pretty close. Any lower and the drop tank would have taken his head off.

I was pretty close to two German F-4 Phantoms at the end of a runway once while changing a tire on one of our planes. Close enough that it spooked me a little. They were at full throttle just lifting off the runway. Talk about loud, wow.
What was that... a FZ1 ?

That was a good guess but wrong fairing I think it was actually a harrier jump jet.....same engine as the FZ1 :thumbup:

The guy was thinking "If this hits me I won`t feel it and the guy riding it will be in more sh%t than I will just look tough"

Now this is some crazy speed. Am surprised it did not blow out his ear drums even tho he was wearing ear protection. At first i thought it was someone doing a high speed wheelie pass, but a fighter jet pass...Nice...:thumbup:
This is my favourite... turn up the volume....:thumbup:
[ame=]YouTube - Spitfire fly by[/ame]

EDIT: Ooops, already been posted....
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