Yet another near miss...


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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Geez whiz Wally, that's the deal these days....

So I'm headed home from work last night and I'm on the interstate, five lanes or so wide. I'm simply riding, haven't changed lanes, just riding holding my position. It was about 4:45 pm so the sun is up and there is no glare as I'm traveling north.

My new pipes are pretty loud (DB Killers are due out soon thank goodness) and the dude just changes lanes into my space. No head check, no signal, nothing. Bam he's there. I swerve, lay on the horn. He doesn't do a damn thing. Not a wave, nothing. Until I flipped his ass off. Then he flipped me back. That got his attention. This dude was so large and "kicked-back" I don't think he could turn his head if he wanted to. I was envisioning an armored Alpine Star GP Pro glove smashed into his fat head.

So that is the SECOND time in two months that loud pipes haven't done dick.

Remember you are invisable and only your situational awareness and defensive riding will save your butt.

The reject was problably brain dead from listening to that modern crap young people call music.... He problaly had the stereo up trying to drive out that dial tone in his head... There goes the theory that "loud pipes save lives". Few months ago a girl did the same thing to me coming off an off ramp. Just flew over two lanes without looking... I was on my Bright orange Tiger with my Neon green helmet... Didn't help restarting her brain activity. Drove me onto the left shoulder... At least she showed apology on her face when she discovered what she had done...

Buy a fake Cop badge and flash it to him... Watch him sweat:BLAA:

Stay with us dude.... ride safe
Dang man, glad you're ok. It's people like that you carry pennies in your pockets for. :sinister:

Or a fistfull of darts.

I keep wondering why they won't turn their heads but considering the number of folk who are too lazy to use their indicators I guess it's just laziness. It's not like you have to get out of the car and walk round to the boot/trunk to turn them on....they are just there in front of folk. It's got to be the ultimate in laziness. If breathing wasn't automatic, these people would freaking die:spank:.
I'm sure I must not be the only one who takes these sort of observations to heart when I get behind the wheel of my car. Lately, I find myself so much more observant and conscientious -- signaling when no one is around, keeping my head on a swivel, I don't talk on the phone even though I keep a headset in the car...

Glad you were paying attention, Pete.
When I was younger I remember wishing I had a couple dozen extra lives which I would use for the purpose of "teaching people a lesson," like letting them run me over and have them face the consequences. Meanwhile I'd come back in a new life ready to teach the next person a lesson. Bizarre right? Glad you're OK Pete.
Thanks everyone. I realized I sounded a bit testy but that really upset me.

Oddly it wasn't the fact he cut me off, it was the fact he didn't care one bit.
Thanks everyone. I realized I sounded a bit testy but that really upset me.

Oddly it wasn't the fact he cut me off, it was the fact he didn't care one bit.

Nah. At least not to me...

Yeah, it's a pisser when you get someone like that who doesn't seem to be paying attention, then when you get their attention they go off as if you're the one who committed the initial transgression...some people's kids.
You know this kind of crap is going to happen, so try to keep your cool. Remember I almost got taken out by a cab last month. It's not even worth ranting about it because I know it's going to happen again. It's your ability to mentally react to a situation in which you needed to swerve and use your horn that saved your ass. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done avoiding the idiot.

Some drivers are just complete Morons. The guy probably didn't even have insurance.

So Pete, what kind of horn do you have?
Thanks everyone. I realized I sounded a bit testy but that really upset me.

Oddly it wasn't the fact he cut me off, it was the fact he didn't care one bit.

I know exactly what you mean. I had a soccer mom decide to change lanes on me. I swerved to the left (and hit my horn) to avoid her, but stayed in my lane once she saw me. She gave ME a dirty look, like it was rude of ME to be where SHE wanted to be! :eek: I am a newbie rider, and am ALWAYS expecting people to try to hit me. I hope you other "veteran" riders still keep up your guard, and stay safe! Good job, Pete! :thumbup: