Xmas Xtras


Damn Hooligan
Premium Member
Aug 11, 2008
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So it happens to be Christmas time again and after buying presents for all my peeps I seem to have nothing left to buy my FZ anything for xmas ( I got it frame sliders and all that but anywho) I was just wondering what are some of your alls favorite things to do for extra money???

Personally I like to cut firewood. Its entertaining because my friend and I just go out and tell jokes all day while we work.

Just curious really....
Other than man-hoing, like Scab, you could sell some of your plasma. Seriously. My wife worked as a temp for a local plasma place, and from what I understand, you can get a pretty penny for it. The plus side is that you can go back every four days or so to give again. However, don't think that you can just go in and get out quickly. They have to do a lot of tests to verify that you aren't on drugs, have a disease, etc.

And no, I haven't done this myself. But don't think I haven't considered it. From what I understand, you can make an extra $200-$300 extra a month doing this. I could keep my bike in mods for some time to come with extra income like this. :D
I cut wood, landscape, help people move, any physical task where you take a heavy thing and move it. My friends have a running joke about never having to rent a forklift... Physical work is just fun to me for some reason. Like you said, if you've got a friend doing the work with you it's really more fun than work...
Ive been firewood cutting a few times this year to make a little extra cash as well, It does make for good days out in the woods with my pals. Merry X-ms
I go donate Sperm :rockon: lol but seriously i have considered donating plasma, seems to be worth it. ohh and just in case u were wondering you can get like 75 dollars for sperm never gone but that one has crossed my mind too since my man hoeing job didnt go so well lol
When I was a kid, I used to work in vineyards, manually cutting grapes all day... it paid pretty good, and I got my full technical lego collection this way lol

Then as a teenager I worked factory jobs @ Mercedes in Germany, or similar big manufacturers in France... horrible horrible jobs that really motivated me to work hard in school... waking up at 2am, ride in a bus for 1.5hour, and then stand in front of a machine pooring warm oil over your bare hands for 8 hours was a lot of fun... it paid really good though (for being a teen) and after two summers of doing that and saving up I finally managed to buy the first vehicle I ever owned, i.e. a Honda CB500 :D LOVED that bike and rode all over France on it...

Today, I just wait for my Xmas bonus :cheer: got it yesterday btw :cheer: :D
Thanks for the replys guys. I thought that if at the very least somebody who actually needs xmas cash might see this thread and get some ideas. I just hope that eveybody has a happy holiday.
I work on computers for people. All word-of-mouth business. I have two small businesses I support along with about 20 individual clients. This is all nights and weekends. I have a rate for them bringing it to me as well as a rate for in-home repairs. Most opt for in-home repairs. Makes a fair amount of cash every year. Of course, I have to claim it all in order to get the write-offs for a home office, mileage, etc...