Worthless Cops!


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Apr 9, 2010
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I just had the experience of having some crazy women in a minivan try to hit me three times in a row. First time I was at a red-light, light turned green and I started to take off. This crazy B@#$% nails the accelerator then slams on the brake when she is about an inch from my rear all the while she is screaming some incoherent nonsense. I start making my left hand turn but I was apparently to slow for her so she whips around and passes me on the left even though a car is approaching from the other direction. She solves the oncoming car problem but nearly running me off the road, her mirror nearly hit me, then cutting me off. She takes off like a bat out of hell and I follow so I can get her plate number. She gets caught at a red-light and I am behind her memorizing her plates, she puts the van in reverse and slams on the accelerator, I barley get out of the way in time. Light turns green and she pulls into a hospital as so I and another vehicle ( a witness who watched the whole thing take place). I pull into a spot take my helmet off and dial 911 while she is screaming at me. The cop gets there and I tell him what happened. I get told “sorry, there is nothing I can do since I didn’t see it” Even with a witness they would not do anything other than ”talk” to her. I asked the cop if it would be different if she would have killed me. No response from the cop.
Yeah, that really sucks. You would think that, at least, the cops could affect a stop and/or pay her a "visit" at her house to, obstensbily, do a "safety check" or something? Even have a witness ready to provide a statement? But, I guess a sworn officer has to "see" in order for an arrest? Geesh. The things you can get away with in a vehicle. Just curious, did you doze at the light to piss her off (not saying that her behavior was, at all, justified).
Welcome! :welcome:

May want to introduce yourself.

Oh, and probably not a good idea to chase a person, especially a crazy one in a minivan, they have about 5,000 pounds on you. Just get the heck out of the way and wave.
You should find out where she lives and get some revenge...crazy bitch.

This is the kind of nonsense that will get you banned. Perpetrating violence, justified or not, is border-line criminal. Besides, it's just not the right thing to do.

Helluva first post Dave, it's hard to let go of pride, but you should err on the side of EVADE when dealing with these people.
This is a very fine line...
The most important thing is that you are ok and you were able to avoid any accidents where, most likely, you would have ended up loosing (possibly your life).
Now, since you had a witness, I think that the cop should have gone further and at least question all the parties. Even though, it is very dangerous to allow a "he said she said" situation where people can start accusing others (with reason or not) and the police can take action just because of that.

I do noticed that since the time I took the MSF basic training course and started riding motorcycles, my driving has improved, in the sense of being more aware of my surroundings. Now I do look around more (either on the car or the bike) to see who's around me and what are they doing while they're driving (texting, eating, reading, etc).
And people wonder why we have road rage?

After a story like that, Kudo's for you not going over the edge, especially when the Police would not do anything, even with a witness.

You did right, and remember, motorcycle versus car, car will always win, even when the driver is a Bieatch.
crazy or not, there may have been a reason why she drove like a bat out of he!! to get to the hospital.

good on you for keeping behind her. i figure that part of the motorcycle gig is to remain level headed and more mature than the cagers on the road. Up here in Boston, we have horrible drivers. I expect to get nailed and ride accordingly, always looking for it from as many angles as i can. so far, its never been worth tracking down and following up.

breathe easy and ride safe
you can press assault charges w/out the cop. do it yourself, and use your witness. how do you think domestic battery cases get prosecuted?
Just to answer a couple of questions people had. I didn’t doze at the light, it was on a rather steep incline and there was a car in front of me. I always allow space between me and the car in front of me just so I have an “out” if I need one. The “good” reason for her to be driving like that was because her two year old “got into pills” and was vomiting. I however should not have my life endangered because of her stupidity and failure to call an ambulance.
The “good” reason for her to be driving like that was because her two year old “got into pills” and was vomiting. I however should not have my life endangered because of her stupidity and failure to call an ambulance.

:D You left this out in your story. It sort of makes a big difference in the story.

Did I tell you about the time I came home and there was a naked man in my house? OMG!!

Oh, and the man was my brother taking a shower....see how that makes a difference?

I'm just kidding with you. It's not funny that you almost got killed, but knowing that it was a mother on her way to the hospital with a sick child, I wouldn't have admitted the second two incidents--those were on you. She wasn't after you, she wanted you to GTFO of the way.
Please explain how her passing me on the left, nearly hitting me then cutting me off was “on” me. Also, she was in such a hurry and only wanted me to GTFO of the way that she put her van in reverse and tried to hit me? That’s my fault….WTF. Keep in mind, that this idiot did not have some sign on her van that said “my kid is sick and I’m too stupid to call 911 so you better get out of my way before I try to hit you multiple times” .
Please explain how her passing me on the left, nearly hitting me then cutting me off was “on” me. Also, she was in such a hurry and only wanted me to GTFO of the way that she put her van in reverse and tried to hit me? That’s my fault….WTF. Keep in mind, that this idiot did not have some sign on her van that said “my kid is sick and I’m too stupid to call 911 so you better get out of my way before I try to hit you multiple times” .

You're right, I wasn't there.
but knowing that it was a mother on her way to the hospital with a sick child, I wouldn't have admitted the second two incidents--those were on you. She wasn't after you, she wanted you to GTFO of the way.

So, because she's a dumbass, didn't watch her kid and the kid got into some pills and then she was doubly stupid and did NOT call an ambulance, Dave here should pay with HIS life or at the least get wrecked? Where the f%#& is the logic in that???

What if it was her husband that had taken some pills accidentally and she was rushing him to the hospital? Would that have justified it? Or does it take a kid being in the story to make her asinine actions OK? "Oh, mother and child, mother and child"...screw that. I'm tired of hearing that everyone else's life is more valuable than the next person. Everyone is equal when on the road. Dammit, that's why we've got EMTs!
So, because she's a dumbass, didn't watch her kid and the kid got into some pills and then she was doubly stupid and did NOT call an ambulance, Dave here should pay with HIS life or at the least get wrecked? Where the f%#& is the logic in that???
Wow, that's an over-reactionary conclusion to come to. Nobody knows the circumstances of the situation other than some kid ODed on pills. The rest is speculation, and a little cynical at that. (Maybe Mom's cell was broken. Maybe they lived a mile from the hospital...it's not so simple)

I agree that everyone is equal, and no one should get preferential treatment. It's just that the way the story sounded, Dave didn't get the "get out of the way" message, and instead engaged with a crazy driver to the extent that he put himself in danger. I don't know, I'd be embarrassed not proud to admit I chased someone driving like an idiot, and they turned out to have a legitmate medical emergency. I'd feel better if the Mom got a ticket. She broke the law, but no sherriff or judge wanting re-elected is going to touch that.

Again, I'm glad Dave wasn't hurt, and I think she should have gotten a ticket.

and YEAH, that cop was worthless! Serve and protect my a$$.
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I almost hate to engage at this point, but I'm not so sure that I wouldn't be a bit reckless rushing one of my kids to the hospital too. The "incoherent nonsense" may have been her pleading for you to let her past. The "reverse and accelerator" move might have been her trying to find a way around the car in front her. Not saying that any of that was necessarily justified, but seconds count in an emergency, and I'm pretty sure that I would try to find the fastest way to get help if I was in her place.

Of course, after getting my kid to the hospital, I would've apologized to you for nearly running you over, but that's just common courtesy.
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I'm always annoyed by folks thinking they can turn on the emergency flashers and drive a thousand mph. Yeah, you were just supposed to know that she had an emergency and move out of the way. It's best not to try and understand these people.

Reminds me of a story a friend told me where a lady in the next lane decided to just mozy over into his lane when her lane ended. She happened to pull into the same grocer where he was headed so he confronted her to ask if she saw him and let her know she nearly ran him over. She told him she did see him, but that motorcycles and cars can share the same lane. Maybe this lady was just trying to share the lane with you :/.
damn, so if she kills someone she gets off free since he didnt "see it"? another great crime fighter here, awesome logic!

No, its like someone said on the first page. The cop CAN'T do anything because of that fact exactly, but you can press charges yourself.
I'm not 100% sure on the american justice system, but the case would be presented to a judge I'd presume.

So stop blaiming the cop, because he only does as he's told..
I'm going to mirror the sentiment of most that responded:
1) Most important fact is that this altercation did not end in disaster.
2) In my state (Delaware) There is no further recourse the officer could have taken for the traffic offenses. I wasn't there and am only monday morning quarterbacking(and I don't know Ohio law)but if the van intentionally tried to crash into you then that would be attempted assault, a criminal charge and not a traffic charge. However, I assume the van driver was inside of the Hospital by the time the officer arrived and not immediately available to be interviewed. If the incident occured exactly the way it was presented on the forum, I would have told the officer I wanted to file criminal charges against the van driver. Here in Delaware, the officer would then write a report including your statements and the statements of the witness. With that report in hand, go to a Justice of the Peace court (or the Ohio equivalent) and swear to your statements before a judge and then the judge decides whether you have merit for criminal charges.
I will admit though that convincing an officer that the incident was serious enough to take all of those steps could be difficult. Had you actually gotten hit (injured or no) that likely would have completely changed how the officer handled the situation.

Based on the information you have given and realizing this is simply an internet forum and that everyone is entitled to their opinion, I still think your title for this thread is pretty unfair..........just my .02 cents.
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