Worst night ever. Lost my best friend. My dog.


journeyman of epic status
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Festus, MO, USA
Tonight was the worst night ever.

My beloved dog, Cammi, got sick last night in the house, but that wasn't out of the ordinary. She often would drink or eat too fast and end up puking. This morning, she puked water. Again, not a huge concern as she was otherwise her bouncy lovable playful self.

Tonight, however, she could barely walk she was so weak and had puked while we were gone. Couldn't figure out what was going on so we gave her some water and she puked it right back up. After an hour or so, she perked up a bit and seemed to be getting pretty strong as she jumped up on me. So, I left to help Geoff with his wiring. I should have postponed, but in retrospect it wouldn't have made any difference.

I got a call from my crying wife about an hour later that Cammi had a seizure and kept wanting to go outside to lay down. I hurried home and found Cammi quite out of it. After a short conversation about how animal ER's seriously gouge you, we took Cammi for what would be her last "ride."

After a 30 mile ride to the ER on Big Bend, and after six more seizures, we had some hard decisions to make.

It seems that Cammi, when running amok in the fields, had stumbled upon some poison of some sort that caused her organs to fail. Her blood levels showed that calcium was bottomed out and potassium was through the roof. She wasn't going to pull out of this.

The people at the AEC placed Cammi on a blanket and let us cuddle our "baby girl" and say our good-byes. We kissed her on her muzzle like she always liked and spooned up against her back like we would do in bed every night. No amount of time would have been enough, though, and we knew that prolonging the inevitable would be selfish. We held on to her as the very gentle doctor slipped the needle into her I.V. And we watched as the dog who had been with "Dirk and Danielle" since the beginning of the marriage breathed slower and slower, then was gone. I placed my hand on her chest where her heartbeat had vacated, and knew that I had a Cammi shaped hole in me that could never be mended.

Cammi wasn't just another dog, she was perfect. Even at just shy of seven years (would have been 7 in April) she was still so quick to learn new tricks. Heck, just a couple weeks ago, I taught her to "fist pump." She could do about a dozen normal dog tricks, but the trick that she didn't have to be taught was how to melt a heart.

Cammi excelled at cuddling, she knew when it was bedtime, it was her duty to warm up Danielle's spot. She loved to hop up on your lap and push her cheek into your lips. That dog would compel love. She emanated a greatness of understanding that I would have never dreamed possible. Cammi cared. Truly cared! I never thought dogs could truly have the emotion of Love before there was Cammi.

I know we did all we could for her, but nonetheless, I don't know if I will ever fully heal from the hurt I feel inside.

I love you forever, Cammi.

Rest well, my dearest.

So sorry reading your post brings my feelings rushing up from the other week when i had jack put down. The fourth dog i have had put down in around 3 years. I feel for you both it hurts and keeps hurting. Best friends are dearly missed and leave huge holes in our lives.
I'm so sorry, man.
Felt I had to share this story with you. I lost my best bud back in early Nov. He was 12. Same scenario as you in his final moments. There was no hope for him and I understand that we do what we do to help them because they can't help themselves at this moment in their lives. It is a peaceful finish. It's also a heart wrenching few minutes.
I was pretty sure that I was done with dogs. Too painful when they go away. In Feb. I had some stirrings that maybe we needed a new family member from the canine world. At the advice of a friend I checked out petfinder.com. You enter your zip and it shows you all the available pets at shelters, in my case dogs, in a radius of X miles from your location. I looked for some time before I saw a face that intrigued me. After a few emails and a reasonable fee "Bandit" was on his way to upstate NY via all volunteer transport from SC. South Carolina? I was amazed. He was listed as being at a more local shelter but many of the shelters "share" clientele, so to speak. We drove 70 miles to pick him up from the last driver and he's been with us for 2+ weeks.
We are totally taken by the love that this rescue pup has to give. He went from death row in a pound many states away to a big dog bed in a new environment and we couldn't be happier.
I'm just mailing this to say after the pain retreats a bit there is a chance to have a pal in your life once more. You'll never replace the one you lost but starting over with a new face is a wonderful experience. Maybe you'll never be ready again but just maybe you will be.
Hope this helps ease it just a bit.
Sorry for your loss:(

Your loving words about Cammi made me sad. You'll never forget her, but try to remember all the other days you had her and don't focus on the last day.
On the other side of the bridge to forever, our animal friends wait for us. The sorrow of losing a pet at first makes me feel like the companionship wasn't worth the loss. But that feeling soon passes, and that's when I'm more smiles than not. Hang in there, buddy.
Dirk, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your best friend. Just think of it this way, she is just sleeping a very long sleep.

Just an fyi, you can tell me this when my jack, a rescue dog we got from a shelter almost 7 years ago, goes and takes his last sleep.

Best wishes man.
Dirk, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your best friend. Just think of it this way, she is just sleeping a very long sleep.

Just an fyi, you can tell me this when my jack, a rescue dog we got from a shelter almost 7 years ago, goes and takes his last sleep.

Best wishes man.
we are taking Cammi to lie next to Dutchess and Daisy. She truly was one of a kind. Wish cloning was a viable option but there will never be another Cammi.
Sorry for your circumstance--especially the way it happened so suddenly. When the time is right, get yourself another good dog. After a dog's death, it always feels like a nice commemoration to get another. Dogs are just such an enrichment in life.:thumbup:
I'm sorry to hear you lost your friend.
She'll always be with you until the end.
The pain and anguish will slowly pass
And fond memories of love will last.
No other pet can fill the void you feel
Family, friends and time will help you heal.

Try not to think of it as an empty space in your heart. Consider it filled over the lifetime of your dear friend. Stay positive. You know she'd want you to.