women know your limits

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Oct 31, 2007
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxY9rZwNGU"]YouTube - Harry Enfield - Women know your limits[/ame]
Give me a break. That was extremely offensive.

+1 and too be frank, one could open a huge can of worms on this one. Granted, the film was clearly from an era when this knuckle dragging mentality was considered acceptable behavior however, there is no place for this in our modern society. To me, British humor has always been pretty dry hence the fundamental necessities for a laugh track....
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yeah, we have none!!!

What did you say your wife's name and phone number was? I gotta check this out. A man with no limits is like a stick of dynamite with a short fuse as it quickly blows up....
+1 and too be frank, one could open a huge can of worms on this one. Granted, the film was clearly from an era when this knuckle dragging mentality was considered acceptable behavior

Well this is from the harry Enfield show, which isn't really that old, but they often did a spoof of the old 50's information films.

however, there is no place for this in our modern society. To me, British humor has always been pretty dry hence the fundamental necessities for a laugh track....

I agree that the topic isn't really suitable in this day and age but they are poking fun at what they thought in that era, with a bit of added british humour. I think you have to
A. Know a bit about the show
B. Have a British sense of humour (my wife still hasn't acquired one, and I think never will :( )
Well this is from the harry Enfield show, which isn't really that old, but they often did a spoof of the old 50's information films.

I agree that the topic isn't really suitable in this day and age but they are poking fun at what they thought in that era, with a bit of added british humour. I think you have to
A. Know a bit about the show
B. Have a British sense of humour (my wife still hasn't acquired one, and I think never will :( )

To me, the subject matter of the show has to be in some form responsible. Regardless of the intent, the writer's and producers must first think about the effects it will have on the public at large. In this case they were not and in fact they were mocking women who, at this time, are still being treated differently than men. An example would be equal pay for equal work. If one takes the time to research it a bit they would find woman often earn much less for the same job than their male counterparts and to me this is flat

Did you know that in the late 1700's one of the states in the United States allowed women to vote on equal footing with men? This didn't last long as men figured out the female vote had the ability to change the outcome of an election. This lack of voting ability did not change until the 19th amendment was signed into law. This same line of thinking was however world wide as numerous countries including the UK refused to allow the women's voice to be heard.

So, back to this film clip. To me, this is nothing more than an irresponsible attempt at humor and at best, a very poor joke. As long as things like this clip are promoted woman will continue to suffer hence the reason they fail to gain true equality.
I have a set of antique books that used to be my Mom's when she was a girl in the 30's and 40's. The books were written about 1910 or so. They cover a wide variety of topics including how a man and woman should behave, what sports are acceptable for a woman, how a woman should dress, and what topics are okay for a woman to discuss with family and men. It has a very much Victorian slant to it. When I read them when I was a teen, the late 70's early 80's they seemed SO wrong and out of date then. I can't imagine how they would appear now, almost 30 years later. But I think this silly video illustrates how far society has come in general.
I realise that the topic is wrong but as I said it was making fun of how people used to think.
It doesn't mean I side with that view, in fact I am one of the modern generation, sharing most of the household chores with my wife.
To me, the subject matter of the show has to be in some form responsible. Regardless of the intent, the writer's and producers must first think about the effects it will have on the public at large. In this case they were not and in fact they were mocking women who, at this time, are still being treated differently than men. An example would be equal pay for equal work. If one takes the time to research it a bit they would find woman often earn much less for the same job than their male counterparts and to me this is flat

Did you know that in the late 1700's one of the states in the United States allowed women to vote on equal footing with men? This didn't last long as men figured out the female vote had the ability to change the outcome of an election. This lack of voting ability did not change until the 19th amendment was signed into law. This same line of thinking was however world wide as numerous countries including the UK refused to allow the women's voice to be heard.

So, back to this film clip. To me, this is nothing more than an irresponsible attempt at humor and at best, a very poor joke. As long as things like this clip are promoted woman will continue to suffer hence the reason they fail to gain true equality.

wow ! what an over the top response to a comedy clip, I think it shows how most of us have come a long way from that where we can openly laugh about it. perhaps as a woman in kentucky you are sensitive to this as things havent progressed from this era where you are, if thats the case then you have my sympathy dear. :D
wow ! what an over the top response to a comedy clip, I think it shows how most of us have come a long way from that where we can openly laugh about it. perhaps as a woman in kentucky you are sensitive to this as things havent progressed from this era where you are, if thats the case then you have my sympathy dear. :D

First, I'm not female and second, I found it to be extremely offensive and in poor taste. Fact is I know of a law suit against the US Government (the government lost) where issues within that suit were less than those represented by the clip.

It's been give or take 100 years since women started getting a bit of relief from men and in that 100 years we haven't moved near far enough. Fact is, the 1990's offered more parity than we offer today and this has alarmed many as it has been a step backwards. As it turns out women are still held back by men so I wouldn't be so quick to say "come a long way."
extremly offensive, irresponsible, poor taste :confused:

dont ever buy a tv you'll be extremly disappointed :thumbup:
First, I'm not female and second, I found it to be extremely offensive and in poor taste. Fact is I know of a law suit against the US Government (the government lost) where issues within that suit were less than those represented by the clip.

It's been give or take 100 years since women started getting a bit of relief from men and in that 100 years we haven't moved near far enough. Fact is, the 1990's offered more parity than we offer today and this has alarmed many as it has been a step backwards. As it turns out women are still held back by men so I wouldn't be so quick to say "come a long way."

Whoa...! It's called "satire" - and I think it's hilarious! And yes, I am female, and I realize we have a long way to go to reach complete equality with men. But come on - it's a comedy bit based entirely on the premise that an attitude considered "acceptable" 50 years ago, is now considered completely ridiculous. I suppose humour isn't a universal thing, though... I mean, there are people out there that think shows like "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "Home Improvement" are actually funny, whereas I find those shows present a much more offensive and moronic cliche view of men's and women's "roles". So there. Give me a "Family Guy" marathon any day.... :D

Here endeth the rant. ;)
as a way of apologising to womankind + havblue im giving you womans best friend, a large ..... wait for it ....... no not that ......... diamond. all i ask is you go pick it up :D

twinkle twinkle little star

oops spoiler tags dont work (admin)

the above post has a sprinkle of finboz humour and should be read with caution as it may cause offence
Whoa...! It's called "satire" - and I think it's hilarious! And yes, I am female, and I realize we have a long way to go to reach complete equality with men. But come on - it's a comedy bit based entirely on the premise that an attitude considered "acceptable" 50 years ago, is now considered completely ridiculous. I suppose humour isn't a universal thing, though... I mean, there are people out there that think shows like "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "Home Improvement" are actually funny, whereas I find those shows present a much more offensive and moronic cliche view of men's and women's "roles". So there. Give me a "Family Guy" marathon any day.... :D

Here endeth the rant. ;)

Ozzie and Harriet was satire and this would not have been acceptable to Ozzie. The Donna Read show was satire and it would not have been acceptable to Donna. My Three Sons was satire and those boys would never have portrayed women in this light. Oh Suzanna was satire and Suzanna would have thrown the Captain overboard had he attempted to treaten her in this manner.

This clip was not satire. Rather, I choose to believe it was some writer's poor attempt at paralleling the past in a manner that was likely to have been very true long before the era portrayed in the clip. Universally this was known as woman's suffrage and in a manner of speaking it continues today.
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