Windshield compromise


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Sep 13, 2008
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Oceanside, CA
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I recently purchased a new (to me) 2007 FZ6 to commute to work (70 miles per day, mostly freeway). The bike is great, but in the first few weeks I found that when riding on the freeway, I was getting pushed around by the wind hitting me in the chest. I am 5’10” with 31" inseam, 195lbs.

After reading in a few forums about replacement windshields, I found that the CalSci windshield had lots of praise, and was solving the same complaint that I had with my FZ6. although a few folks did mention an increase in helmet noise.

So I called Mark at CalSci and he recommended either the Large +9" version or the extra large +11" version. Given my age ( 46+ ) Mark was leaning a little toward the +11, but I decided on the +9" version and it was at my house 2 days later.

I installed it and commuted to work 70 miles per day for about a month. It really worked! Practically all the wind buffeting was gone, traffic, trucks, side wind, no problem, a very comfortable ride. (It does make the bike look more "scooter like" thoughm and as my brother told my after trying out my bike, "it's like a scooter with power" I said, "gee thanks" :0| )

But I did notice the new wind noise on my helmet. Actually the noise (kind of a howling sound, jet engine sound) starts at relatively low speed (30mph) and is quite loud at freeway speeds. I was actually cruising along one day and was thinking "dang, that is loud, I should use my ear plugs", but then I realized I already had my ear plugs in!

After a few weeks, the helmet noise level was really annoying me…. I started considering trading it in for the +11” unit. I called CalSci and spoke with Mark about it. He gave me the idea to try fabbing up a 2" extension to my current CalSci windshield and see if it helps with my problem. I thought this was a good idea.

So I tried it, using the top of the windshield as a template, I cutout a 2” extension that matched the shape of my existing screen. I backed it up with another piece of cardboard taped to it from behind. Objective was to have the extension flush with the front of the windshield

I put a bunch of tape on the inside of the windshield to keep the cardboard from rubbing any scratches into it. Then lots of tape everywhere to make sure it didn’t fly off

It turned out pretty sturdy, and flush on the front. (Notice the tape that shows where the original windshield would be) I added 2”, but I think my current one is +9.5”, not +9”, so I may be a half inch too tall here.

Well I test rode it for 28 miles (up I5 north of Oceanside CA) The sound (howling) is a lower frequency now, but also has some new rumbling to it. At first I thought this was an improvement, but after a few minutes I hated the helmet vibration. It was easier to lean forward and get some quiet time though.

The top of the windshield (as +11”) is about mouth level, while before the extension, I’d say it was about chin level. I calculate that I need a +16” version which would bring it up to the bridge of my nose and would be completely quiet, and rediculous looking! :0)

So the mock was a good idea afterall. I’m glad I didn’t bother CalSci with trade ins, shipping, waiting, and frustration later.

Ok, so now what???

I decided I wanted clean air on my helmet (it is so nice up there when I stand up, no roaring, or vibration on my head) The original problem I was trying to solve was to reduce the pushing around that was happening as uneven air currents hit me in the chest.

I realize now that I am not going to find a windshield that could send air over me completely. I figured I would need a shorter windshield instead… one that reduced the air hitting my body (over stock), without directing high speed air at my helmet. I thought about sending it back to CalSci to have it cut down, but I couldn’t wait.

I had to guestimate how much to cut off… be conservative, cut a little bit at a time? Or just go for my best guess first. I went with my best guess. After riding for a few weeks with the new +9” windshield, I had a pretty good idea how much I could move my head up and down, and the difference in the wind noise. I decided a +5” would hopefully add enough screen to reduce being pushed around by the wind, yet would be short enough to not have wind directed at my helmet.

How I did it. I read your recommendations on how to cut this material, number of teeth per inch etc, and it went well. Using my saber saw, I hacked off the top of the shield to use it is a template to copy the corners and the slight curve across the top. (the screen is a little wider as you go down though) The green dash you see in the middle of the tape below is my new target height.

Using the top of the windshield as a guide saved me, glad I thought of it.

Here it is, 5” higher than stock, and a little wider too.

Dang, I did a good job, you would never know I cut it with my saber saw and sanded with a sanding block, all while mounted on my bike. Cleaned up nice

Bottom line is that I needed to compromise. The choice is taller windshield, less buffeting, more noise, or shorter windshield with more wind on you chest pushing you around, but quieter on the head, or no windshield, lots of wind on chest, but very quiet.

I find my +5" version of the CalSci windshield to be as close to the best compromise I could get. I have less wind pushing me around than stock, but without the helmet noise.. (but still not at quiet as when I stand up)

Like I said, this is not a Gold Wing, I think I found just the right height and thought I'd share this with you all...

I thank Mark at CalSci for his input on this as well.

Oceanside, CA
Thats a really good write up and good pics to go with it.

Just to finish the screen and to protect the edge, have you thought of fitting plastic windshield tubing?

Thats a really good write up and good pics to go with it.

Just to finish the screen and to protect the edge, have you thought of fitting plastic windshield tubing?


Sounds like a good idea, I haven't looked into that product. I'm not too concerned about protecting the edge, since that is how the CalSci screen comes anyway and I haven't seen any issue

I have been thinking about re-using the plastic screws from the original screen instead of the new stainless ones. I was reading that they are not plastic because Yamaha wanted to save some money, but that they are actually designed to break away in case of a crash.

I've been thinking about that ever since... I'd hate to be cut by my windshield.... I've noticed the stock wind screen had a fat top edge to it. Maybe that "windshield tubing" is tough enough to address this?
I'm more and more tempted to cut a hole in the lower portion of my wind screen (04), to see if it has any sort of laminar effect. If I screw it up, new screens are only $30.
wow, looks nice, I'd like to see some feedback on how it works.... first time I've seen that one.

I put over 500 miles on my bike this weekend with it and I am very happy. The wind hit me at the top of my face shield. The wind that hit my helmet is mostly smooth, no buffetting. The lower side panels keep the wind off of my hands.

I got mine from Twisted Throttle.
I found that riding with earplugs is a whole new experience, and really helps out with helmet noise from the wind.
Love my 11 calsci, its very quiet at nothing to 55mph louder as you go but better than stock

I'm 5'11 and I approve this message
not the first person to cut a screen shorter. not a bad idea, but i have recently put on a DB screen and find that it is also a good compromise and the height is barely increased from stock, just gets you that "Bubble" of clean air to sit in just a heads up for you WS customizers out there see about adding a bubble to the screen if possible