Windows 7

In response to Nelly's original post the screen you see with the error message indicates that the error is on their server. The text file you are trying to open isn't being served by their IIS server. This is likely because they haven't configured their server correctly. It won't, by default, serve txt files. Also, it shouldn't be showing you the error message they've done that wrong too.
And so I thought too. The problem lies on the server side not the personal computer. Whether you're running OS X, Linux, or any version of Window$ your computer is not at fault; neither is Windows 7 for that matter.

As great as Ubuntu is it ain't gonna help you install Windows 7 :D

MAC OS/X - for people who don't want to know how their PC works

Linux - for people who want to know how their PC works

DOS - for people who want to know why their PC does not work

Windows - for people who don't want to know why their PC does not work