Bad luck...?!


Go hard or go home!
Elite Member
Jul 29, 2009
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Barrie, Ontario
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Sooo... I'm normally not a believer of good/bad luck, karma, superstitions, etc. But, I seem to have been having a string of bad luck lately.

Since January, when my fiance and I set a formal date to be married (7 Aug 10), we have had the following major issues occur:

1. We had to replace the front entry system to our home, due to faulty original installation of the entryway. This repair cost $4600.00 with extended manufacturer's warranty, and including non-quoted materials and labour for 'unseen' damage.

2. The rear end of my Jeep Grand Cherokee (aka Heep) decided to give out. This resulted in $2200.00 worth of parts and labour, and a parts list too long to put up in this forum.

3. My main bath tub surround (tile) decided to allow one tile to fall out. In the subsequent investigation for repair, I determined that the original contractor had used regular drywall around the tub, and then attached the til tub surround to it. At the top of the tile, they then placed 'Greenboard' (a waterproof drywall, which is the minimum required by law to be put up around a tub/shower unit) to the ceiling. This cost me $1200.00 to repair in materials, tools, paint, etc. to repair. Luckily I was able to do the labour myself (although 'Holmes on Homes' may make an episode out of me :rolleyes:)

4. Three weeks ago my 'Heep' (see #2) was broken into, and ~$1000.00 worth of contents were 'liberated'. A list of the contents include: his and hers Oakley sunglasses, a Garmin GPS unit, a Citibank fuel credit card (in retrospect, it was probably not a good idea to have this in the vehicle), my Johnny Cash CD, etc., etc.

5. And finally, today my 40 G hot water heater decided to quit, and blow its contents all over my (finished) basement floor. At least my carpets are now 'steam' cleaned. Repair/replacement estimate pending.

So our wedding is 7 Aug 10 (less than a month now) and quite literally, I can't afford to make up my mind! :surrender:

Can anyone top that???

Cheers guys & gals. Thanks for letting me vent.

PS - I hope I didn't piss off the Cosmos with this rant :) Although I can't imagine things getting any worse... :Flip:
Hm... someone trying to tell you something? call off the wedding and see if things calm down :D.

Seriously, sorry to hear about the string of bad things happening to you. Not sure what I'd do except just prepare for the next issue by holding off on any expenses that are big and unnecessary. Hopefully, it will be like bringing an umbrella on a cloudy day and maybe it won't rain. Another thing I would tell myself is "this too shall pass".

I know it sucks and will be tough but spend some time and try to find the good in all of it. Who knows, maybe all this is just prep'ing you up for marriage :D?
Maybe you and your spouse will end up remembering this time on some anniversary or something and laughing it up.

Take care,

Your just being tested little grasshopper...

They call this character building but it still sucks, eh?
I think you have earned the right to rant!!!

Hang in there, if you picked the right woman-stay on track.
Getting married on August 7 will be good luck for you, because that date is my birthday, and I say so! :D
Sorry to hear about your recent string of repair bills. Life is certainly unpredictable, and very expensive at times!! (Get used to it!) :D
Half of an old married couple. ;)

If the two of you survive all this with good humor, then you will be very happy in life, regardless of what it throws your way.
Cups half full man!!!
Without a house, a car, a woman, and your health (to do the work on your bathroom) you wouldn't have any of these expenses... Im guessing you still have your bike... This is not too bad huh?

Believe me this could be a lot worse and they dont seem like they get any better...

Life is a big bowl of Cr$p you just have to pick through and find the peanuts...
Na, this all sounds about right. Presuming you'll be adding some kids to the picture in the next few years (that's when it really gets expensive), I'd say you're right on track. I've been wanting to upgrade to a larger touring bike for some time now, but am currently staring down five custom windows and a new roof - I guess I should be thankful to have the FZ6.

Welcome to the nightmare!
dont give up my friend. it will end eventualy. it has nothing to do with the wedding. just dont give up! you will see it will turn around and balance all this bad luck with good luck!
i wish you good luck though :)
Thanks gang, for your thoughtful words, and imparted wisdom. My fiance and I have been together for ~8 years now, and living together for 5, so this is not really anything new for us. It all just seems a little on the condensed side, time wise. But we'll get through it. At least I have the comfort of having a stable job (Canadian Forces), and we both have our health. And, of course, I still have my FZ!! :thumbup: Like I said though, timing for all this stuff is off, and I couldn't help but get that little worming of doubt in the back of my head... No wait, I think that was a mosquito (the Northern National Bird). :BLAA:

Ouch... (Not to be a one upper because your bills were higher than mine got to.)

My wife had to replace the water pump, then ran out of gas, and had to worry about pipes freezing this past winter. These things all happened at the same time in the winter. She ended up bouncing from place to place till we could get the money and parts to fix it. The real kicker was I was out of state while this was happening. :(

We got through it and now we have great water pressure. :)