Wife on the bike!!!

My wife is warming up to the idea of riding. As Monica said, I think part of it is because she is seeing a social aspect to it.

It helps that the new seat arrived today. But sadly it was late and just before she had to get ready to play a gig. Maybe tomorrow.
Well, we did 50 miles Saturday with the Corbin and the backrest. Did some twisties through SE Ohio. At the end she said she really liked it. Quote "I don't know how I managed to stay on without that!" I was concerned that all the curves would have bothered her, but that's where the llamas were. She really didn't mind the curves. So, happily, I see many more rides with the wifey in the future.

The presence of the backrest, complicated by the wife's gimpy knees, creates an interesting mount/dismount situation. She gets on first then I have to thread the needle. All fun though. :D