wheelie update


Proud Dad
Aug 31, 2008
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Santa Rosa, Northern california
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so i took my bike out to an empty lot and tried to wheelie i did what some of you guys mention the 1st gear power wheelie i hit it up to 8k even more then close the throttle and hit it hard again but nothing i just went faster is there something i missied should i try to pull the bike up or does it go on its own? when i shut the throttle should i wait a bit ? fyi 10k is freaking lowd i like it
The key is to nail the throttle open when the front end is returning on its up-stroke. Sit back, keep the rear brake covered, and don't worry about jerking on the bars or anything.

Where your gear...
I do rolling wheelies. I go about 15 mph, then pull the clutch lever in, rev it up, but not full throttle (I don't know the rpm,s) and pop the clutch. I eventually learned how to regulate the throttle. If I felt like I was going to flip the bike, I eased off the throttle, and if I felt like I needed more power, I gave it a little more gas. This is something you just have to learn and get used to. just start out easy and go from there. I manage to pull off a feww good wheelies every now and then. I'm still a little afraid to shift to 2nd gear so I just keep my wheelies limited to 1st gear, but I can go about a hundred feet or more on my better wheelies. I do still pull a few bloopers, though.
I did a wheelie, once, completley inadvertantly. I was at a stop light, and somehow only shifted down to second, not first. When the light went green and I started out and it bogged, i was probably up to about 5 mph, i grabbed the clutch, downshifted and dumped it out a little too fast and up she went. Funny thing was I barely noticed i did it and it came down smooth as butter. Guy behind me said i probably lifted it off about 18"
I practiced the clutchless way a couple weeks ago. I was only able to bring it up two or three times before I quit. I found that I brought it up to around 5k rpm before I rolled off and back on and had to keep my back straight and not lean forward or the wheel won't come up.
you need the On-Off-On throttle to get the front end up. it's up at around 7-8k rpm. whatever you do make sure the bars are straight when you come down. and your nuts might get pushed against the gas tank after lol.
Make sure you're still accelerating when you do it. If your speed has leveled off then your weight will be more on the front wheel than it would be if you were still accelerating.

Hope that helps
not that I even want to do one...but i got the front end up a little(red light that went green) just on the crest of a hill.

Its easier when trying it up hill...find a quiet place that has an incline and the front should lift easier.
sound like they are right about the 7-8 k it works for me ,just takes some practice. The more you practice the eiser it will get. I got my bike last year and I could barely get the front end off the ground. Now I can ride one about a block.
sound like they are right about the 7-8 k it works for me ,just takes some practice. The more you practice the eiser it will get. I got my bike last year and I could barely get the front end off the ground. Now I can ride one about a block.

do you shift into 2nd as well?
I hold the rpm's steady at 7000, and then just give it full throttle. It stands right up!!!
i ahve tried a few times and if the front came up 1' i was lucky. I want to do it but when it come time to do it i rev it and relase the clutch and........my sphincter stops me and it comes down.
Try just dipping your clutch a bit, say an inch and getting some revs on it. And make sure your back brake is covered mate, if you think it's getting too high, you know what to do :) Everything I've read on here is right, you'll get your own little method and practice and it will all fall in place.

Or if you see a dip in the road, when you go over it, get the power on and that should bring the front end up, not the best method but needs must haha.

Would have added this earlier but I was in a rush.
I guess that SOMEONE should mention that wheelies may be fun, but are not a real safe thing to be doing on surface streets. The RPM range that you need to get to the wheelie stage is twitchy, 7500-8500, and that sudden power increase could be painful. Never the less, they can be fun in a controlled enviroment, like at the track. I would stay away from them on the street, just to keep Johny Law happy.....GRUMPY
Yes you are quite right Grumpy, I know here your looking at a ban basically and a hefty fine if you get caught doing it. One bloke caught doing it several times got sent to prison if I remember correctly.