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Oct 23, 2012
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I'm new here, new rider too. I went backwards and bought a bike first, really couldn't pass up on the deal. I got an 09 FZ6 only 1041 miles on it. Just got my helmet, waiting on my gloves, boots, and jacket. I take my class in the beginning of Nov, so as of now I have just been cruising around in my yard. Ha ha
Welcome, but be careful i have had a low speed spill because of green grass being slick:rolleyes:.
you have found a great forum with what i have learned to be a great group of guys that are full of knowledge. i am relatively new here myself (10 months?) so I'll leave all the good advise to the pros
Great Bike! (I have one myself and also got it with 1033 miles!). You'll have a lot of fun so long as you listen to the advice of experienced riders and TAKE IT SLOW TO START. You'll be wanting to mod in no time at all ;)

Good Luck! and keep us updated
:welcome: And congrates on the new bike! I hope you use their bike for the class, the FZ6 doesn't take well to tip overs (plastic, side covers, etc)

Keep the tank full of fuel and please add a stablizer/cleaner to the fuel. The tank will tend to rust if moisture collects (especially without a full tank) and if the bike sits a fair amount, "Seafoam" will take care of both issues..

Again welcome!
this is a cool informative forum full of people keen to share knowledge........
You found the right place
:welcome: to the best little forum on the interwebs... You scored yourself a fantastic bike too but we are a little bias here :D

Ride lots , post often & post heaps of pics :thumbup:
:welcome: to the best little forum on the interwebs... You scored yourself a fantastic bike too but we are a little bias here :D

Ride lots , post often & post heaps of pics :thumbup:

Ofcourse we're biased humpy. But look at how many people stay on this forum after getting a different bike! (for example.....you!) Gotta be a sign that we have the best forum, if not the best bike ;)
Welcome! Take it slow at first and gear up!! My FZ6 is my first bike, also and I love it. Take all you can from the classes, it will make you a better biker :thumbup:

Also, learn how to do most, if not all, maintenance for the bike. You'll save a ton of cash, get very familiar with the bike, and it's just fun! Well for me it is :rolleyes:
Welcome to a great bike and riding! Take your time learning and be super careful on the roads...remember deer and cars will try to kill you!

What part of Virginia do you live in? I'm in North/Central.

- J
Thanks everyone! I actually did have a small slip in the grass yesterday, but all is good! No damage to the bike, my leg has a bruise, but I play goalkeeper in soccer, so I'm used to getting banged up! I live in Williamsburg