What scares you the most?

Being convicted of a crime I did not commit. Since the allowance of DNA in trials, we've seen quite a few innocent people set free after years of their life spent incarcerated. Imagine all these good years of your life wasted....
In all seriousness, I don't know if it scares me so much as it really bothers me, but I really do not like seeing bars with bikes parked out front. I understand the bike night thing and that's cool to go and check out the other rides, my local bike night is at Sonic and that's perfect. I really think that riding is dangerous as it is without adding alcohol to the equation. I also am of the mindset that the rush I get from riding supercedes the feeling I get when I drink.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE beer, but it has no place anywhere near a motorcycle.
Almost had two accidents. One with an R1 trying to overtake me on a roundabout! Sooo stupid and pointless. The other with a bmw 1200 while filtering traffic. My fault for not doing lifesaver. My worst fear is other motorcycles. Then Cagers.

At the risk of appearing reallly stuupid can I ask what "filtering traffic" and "lifesaver" means...
Moms in minivans, talking on cell phones while beating the children in the back seat. Give very wide berth.
Now that I have had my very first motorcycle accident, I am very scared of coming into intersections, especially ones that has a motorist waiting to turn left in front of you. That's how it happened to me and that is how I ended up losing my bike to the insurance company and also breaking my collar bone. Even driving in my truck, I am aprehensive of intersections. Thanks to you who started a thread about the youtube vidoe on motorcylists and cajers. It opened up my eyes. I watch you tube videos on motorcycle crashes to keep my perspective and not get so lacked in my riding ability. I have not ridden a bike since July 5 08 and I am having withdrawals...:eek:
Seeing the aftermath of a rear-ender accident and wondering if I could have gotten out of the way if it was my bike in the front instead of the car with a smashed rear bumper. Saw one on the way to work this morning and dwelled on it a bit.
Having read some other posts on this thread, I see that it's not just a riding thing.
Outside of riding one thing I really fear is dying in my sleep. Most people I know would like to slip away during the night, this is not for me. Our only 2 guarantees in this life (excepting the possibility of reincarnation) are birth and death. I have somehow managed to forget what it was like to be born, I don't want to miss out on my passing.
This is not some death wish, I want this to occur some time when I am very old and hopefully having had a great experience like watching the Arsenal lift a big big trophy.
I'm not some gung-ho type looking for a glorious finale,I just want to be present at the end.
Whenever I have I have been in a discussion about death, people think I am weird. I suppose what I am just looking for is the knowledge that I am not alone in this philosophy.

Sorry for appearing morbid.
At the risk of appearing reallly stuupid can I ask what "filtering traffic" and "lifesaver" means...
Moving down the inside of stopped or slow moving traffic. Lifesaver, looking over your shoulder before you you execute a lane change or turn.
Having read some other posts on this thread, I see that it's not just a riding thing.
Outside of riding one thing I really fear is dying in my sleep. Most people I know would like to slip away during the night, this is not for me. Our only 2 guarantees in this life (excepting the possibility of reincarnation) are birth and death. I have somehow managed to forget what it was like to be born, I don't want to miss out on my passing.
This is not some death wish, I want this to occur some time when I am very old and hopefully having had a great experience like watching the Arsenal lift a big big trophy.
I'm not some gung-ho type looking for a glorious finale,I just want to be present at the end.
Whenever I have I have been in a discussion about death, people think I am weird. I suppose what I am just looking for is the knowledge that I am not alone in this philosophy.

Sorry for appearing morbid.
Mate there is no way you will live another 300 years to see the Arsenal do that lol.
Having read some other posts on this thread, I see that it's not just a riding thing.
Outside of riding one thing I really fear is dying in my sleep. Most people I know would like to slip away during the night, this is not for me. Our only 2 guarantees in this life (excepting the possibility of reincarnation) are birth and death. I have somehow managed to forget what it was like to be born, I don't want to miss out on my passing.
This is not some death wish, I want this to occur some time when I am very old and hopefully having had a great experience like watching the Arsenal lift a big big trophy.
I'm not some gung-ho type looking for a glorious finale,I just want to be present at the end.
Whenever I have I have been in a discussion about death, people think I am weird. I suppose what I am just looking for is the knowledge that I am not alone in this philosophy.

Sorry for appearing morbid.

I feel exactly as you do. I want to know what it is like to die. And I'm not talking about those experiences where someones heart stopped and they came back. I'm curious to know what it is actually like to pass on. What happens during the process, what is it like afterwards, if anything. I know religion has "answered" these questions for most people. But I want the experience.

Of course that doesn't mean I'm going to go jump off a bridge. I just want to experience it at the most when it does happen.
My personal nemesis is steel grate drawbridges in the rain. Living on the coast we have LOTS of these bridges around so that boats can pass underneath. Fortunately the tread on the OEM tires makes a relatively stable ride so I don't try to avoid them anymore. Second would be rain-filled potholes. The kind where you can't tell if it's 1" or 12" deep cause the rain has filled it. I've bent car rims in these hell-pits and can't / don't want to imagine what they would do to a bike tire. :eek:
What scares me is inattentive cager with a cell phone, that goes for police officers as well. I see many of them on cell phones, I don't care if you're on it for official reasons... Bluetooth man...bluetooth.
Now that I have had my very first motorcycle accident, I am very scared of coming into intersections, especially ones that has a motorist waiting to turn left in front of you. That's how it happened to me and that is how I ended up losing my bike to the insurance company and also breaking my collar bone. Even driving in my truck, I am aprehensive of intersections. Thanks to you who started a thread about the youtube vidoe on motorcylists and cajers. It opened up my eyes. I watch you tube videos on motorcycle crashes to keep my perspective and not get so lacked in my riding ability. I have not ridden a bike since July 5 08 and I am having withdrawals...:eek:

Fear itself is not a bad thing. If you're not a little scared when you're on the bike then you do not have proper appreciation for the risk you're taking. A little fear can sharpen your senses and allow you to make smarter decisions (like wearing proper gear and riding within your limits).

It's the "big" fear that you have to beware of. Being afraid to get on the bike at all or forgetting your safety training and going into panic mode when things get a little dicey is the bad fear that should be avoided. :Sport:
Having read some other posts on this thread, I see that it's not just a riding thing.
Outside of riding one thing I really fear is dying in my sleep. Most people I know would like to slip away during the night, this is not for me. Our only 2 guarantees in this life (excepting the possibility of reincarnation) are birth and death. I have somehow managed to forget what it was like to be born, I don't want to miss out on my passing.
This is not some death wish, I want this to occur some time when I am very old and hopefully having had a great experience like watching the Arsenal lift a big big trophy.
I'm not some gung-ho type looking for a glorious finale,I just want to be present at the end.
Whenever I have I have been in a discussion about death, people think I am weird. I suppose what I am just looking for is the knowledge that I am not alone in this philosophy.

Sorry for appearing morbid.

I understand you perfectly, and you're not alone in that philosophy.
ALSO Cagers making left turns in opposite traffic at intersections, and after living with my dad and being in the car while hes driving (he's from vietnam where there are no traffic rules), other asian drivers.