What is your bad habit on your bike?

I'd like to think that I don't have any unsafe habits.

One habit I have that annoys me but that I can't stop doing is canceling my turn indicator. I have this OCD compulsion to push it even when I know it's not on. I must push it a hundred times every time I'm on the bike, and I only have my turn indicator on a dozen or so times. I would love to hear that others have this problem and it's not just me.

I thought I was surely the only one. =)
Having so much fun riding that I forget to pay attention to the fuel gauge. Have never run out but have had many cases of the blinkies.

+1 leaving the turn signal on......then.....
+1 on the turn signal OCD...
+1 on the riding pants...
+1 tapping the gear shift into first at the lights....
+1 not fully stopping at stop signs or lights.....

I guess I have a lot of bad habits......:eek:
let's see I do not stop at stop signs if i don't see anyone coming, speed especially this last weekend on the 5 freeway (I got up to 130 mph and was cruising at 100 mph in a 65 oops!!) :spank:(I mean come on its a fun bike to go fast on) , sometimes listen to music with both headphones in, forget to turn off my turn signal or hit the horn when trying to turn on/off the turn signal:spank:, I wear jeans instead of riding pants but I mostly commute with the bike (Yea i know trying to justify my bad habits) I think thats all of them.
Not wearing riding pants all the time
Not coming to a complete stop at stop signs

OK, it's hard to even include this stuff with "bad habbits", but if they are, then guilty here too - always at least jeans, though. Speeding would be the bad habbit for me. "But officer, I thought those signs were for CARS."
#1 Riding butt necked accept boots and full face helmet at 3am.

JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!...... Same as a lot of you..... not riding with Riding Pants, punching it with a Grin on my face which results in speeding. Shortly after getting my Fazer, I had a Po Po come out of no where after I was kicking it pretty hard. It was like, all of a sudden he was behind me and I was like, where did he come from. He followed me for a couple miles then turned away. Think it was a lucky break.

Occasionally, I will leave keys in the ignition when I'm out (bikes stays in garage at home always with the keys in it), forget blinker, leave helmet and gloves on the bike when Im out somewhere (Bad idea I know), maybe slow down too much through an intersection (slower gives you more time to react)..etc...

Oh, I ride with one hand too much.
getting what i think is geared up, walking down three flights of stairs (i live on the 4th floor), getting to bike only to realize i did not swap crappy tennis shoes i had on for my steel toes, and riding anyway because i don't feel like going back up there to change 'em. then i get underway and paranoid a shoelace is going to whip into the chain when i should be paying attention to the road. :squid:
I'd like to think that I don't have any unsafe habits.

One habit I have that annoys me but that I can't stop doing is canceling my turn indicator. I have this OCD compulsion to push it even when I know it's not on. I must push it a hundred times every time I'm on the bike, and I only have my turn indicator on a dozen or so times. I would love to hear that others have this problem and it's not just me.

It's just you...;)
my bad habit is speeding. I generally drive like a grandpa in my car so i'm not intentionally speeding it is just too hard to drive 50 mph on a straight on the fizzer.
I realized the other day that I'm an angry lane splitter, which is exactly not the place to ride angry. I know that lane splitting is a privilege and not a right here in California, but sometimes I ride like everyone should be getting the hell out of my way.

When someone isn't moved over far enough for me to get by, I get impatient. When I finally do get by them, I make an exaggerated arc, ending in front of their car to let them know that they weren't over far enough for me to get by. Sometimes, I rev my engine right next to people's window to let them know that they aren't being considerate.

All of these actions are wrong. When I lane split, I need to be patient and calm, as my full attention must be trained on what's going on that might cause me harm. Not on the dipstick who is riding the line and talking on a cell phone. I'm not going to have a safer ride by teaching anyone a lesson; I'm going to have a safer ride by watching out for hazards and avoiding danger, whether people know I'm there or not.

My hope is that by posting this, I will feel obligated to change my ways.
My worst habit is listening to my friend Mick when he says "Come on, we'll wait for the rest of them at the top of the mountain"
I live in Korea, so the road rules are pretty much do anything but don't get in an accident. The only real rules for bikes are helmets and not blasting reds when the cops are around. I've never seen or heard of either being enforced. Add to that the fact that 99.9% of the photo-radar cameras shoot from the front and it's pretty much open season on the roads. I think I'm guilty of about 90% of what everyone else has said, plus a few others...
I have a habit of riding with two fingers on the brake and using them to brake and not all my fingers. My Msf instructor would yell at me while I was riding to take those fingers off the brakes. lol . I did get a 100 on the riding and the test though :)
+1 on the speeding, no riding pants, not stopping at signs, turn signal OCD, tapping shifter down at stop lights, getting too into music, etc.

Another thing I've noticed is the moment I put that helmet on, my rather... aggressive... tendencies decide to come along for the ride... I find that whenever I'm out with the bike my patience with cagers dwindles down to the point of being almost non-existent. Who else here finds themselves more aggressive and prone to road rage on a bike than in a car?
Constantly looking for 7th gear even when i just tried 5 mins ago and aint changed gear since DOH! :spank: And speeding. And wearing jeans.