What hope do we have?

O my god...thats shocking. Are those drivers unable to look in a mirror?

An important factor in all this would be whether the tram/train has lights on the front and if they are on. I know in Dublin that the trams have lights on all the time and you can see them a mile off...so you would have to be pretty blind to miss them in your mirror!!
Time to ban the train and the car, that way theres nothing to hit and nothing to do the hitting with. Problem solved. Whats next on the agenda?:thumbup:

I just want to preface that in my working life I am a professional driver. I have been driving for 13 years daily at least 2oo miles a day. That is my job, to get to the customer and take care of them. Having said that you absolutly need to have good driving habits. The number 1 cause of accidents, and now this is just my opinion, is from people not looking over their shoulders before changing lanes. I ALWAYS look left or right when I turn, its just a good habit and has saved me many many accidents. Its easy to just veer into the left or right lane without looking, but I have almost done that and looked, only to be shocked at the iminant death I could have caused myself or another person. If you cant tell, im a bit pissed at watching all those cars turn into the trains like that, 1 second is all it takes to look left or right and scan before changing lanes. Yes, it makes me very nervous riding a bike on the road knowing people do not look. If that happens to me, and mark my words, if I survive I will probably kill the driver that hit me. Call it what you will, attempt to take my life and I live, and you will die. period.