What do you look like?

Figured it was about time to put some pics on here

Proud Daddy
Me and '07 FZ6 after first 30 minutes of riding time. Bit of a trial by fire, road around dealership lot a few times, then headed out during rush hour. Found a school parking lot near home to try some practice maneuvers but still too many cars around, so headed out to country. I've since picked up 'real' pants after hearing about denim's limited ability to prevent road rash.

She looks alot like this chick! Your name must be Abhishek Bachchan
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that pug-fugly rich nepotistic wanker is going down.

she will be miiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnne

alllllllll miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnne

MWAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
found another pic worth posting. i merged the two pics together and made this one:

(the fat-a55 one is the before pic haha)

Weight Max/Min: max was 277 lbs. min was 214 lbs.

Total Loss: 63 lbs

Congrats on the weight loss Lonesoldier84! How long did it take and how long have you maintained the new weight?