Welcome to Vegas Krid & Lone

Lone and I left Vegas, krid and lefty at laguna seca and are now enjoying dinner in Buelton. Vegas should have quite a post for later.
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Lone and I left Vegas, kris and lefty at laguna seca and are now enjoying dinner in Buelton. Vegas should have quite a post for later.
It was great meeting and spending some quality time with you! Thank you for your hospitality. It is much appreciated!
Awesome bike! You da Man!:rockon:
I'm just amazed that the entire world is following this thread, especially all the international members, and all those Aussie members:aus:, just amazing everyone! Thank you!

So John AKA "Lefty" arrived at our hotel at 0830, 30 minutes ahead of schedule! Lone!

Now there are five.

After a nice breakfast in Monterey, we all headed for Leguna Seca. We called ahead of time and told them that Lone was coming! We also told them that we are from the greatest motorcycle forum in the world, so they made very special arrangements to make sure our visit to the track would be the most memorable for everyone. We were treated like VIP's. Just amazing! Just look at the pics!

Here's our first pic taken by our driver.

Lonesoldier84, Jtarkany, Lefty, Vegasrider, Krid80,

You are wondering what driver? This driver!


Well someone had to take the damn photos or nobody would have believed it. I missed out on the escort. Oh well, It was for Lone anyways.



Unfortunatley there was a race going on, I think a bunch of Mazda Miata's zipping around so we could not get track access.

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We are now near the famous Corkscrew!


Here is a picture of John, AKA "Lefty" on his 2008 Cobalt Blue FZ6. Finally, another blue bike! He has the stock exhaust, so we all had five different exhaust, can you just picture the sound?


We are now rolling out of Leguna Seca.

Rolling towards Highway 1 for fuel and to say good bye as the five of us will split into two groups; southbound & northbound.


Lefty & Krid80 on the beach with the mighty Pacific in the background. Yes, it was cold. Motorcycle boots are great for walking in the sand by the way. Much better than sneakers.
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Thanks Vegas for posting the pics and for a great day of riding, especially once you, Krid and I hit hwy's 84 and 35. :BLAA:
John and Lone it was awesome riding with you both too, I only wish we didn't have to part ways so soon. Ride safe everyone on your way home. :thumbup:
Awesome! This is turning out to be such a great trip! :rockon:
You're right Kenny, This is a great forum with the best of members!:BLAA:
Thanks for all these great picture.
After a very nice escort by John (Lefty) up into the bay area via some very nice roads, Dirk and I headed north towards the Golden Gate Bridge.
Here are some pictures. Once again, riding with one hand, holding the camera with the other, the crosswinds were brutal and it was during rush hour traffic. LOL now.



Dirk with his hometown newspaper. He wants to get his picture in the paper, but the subscription is only about 100 people, there are almost 13,000 members here on this forum. Get your priority straight man!


City of San Francisco in the background.
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I'm currently in Windsor California, just about 10 miles from Santa Rosa, about 100 miles north of SF I think.

After splitting off with Krid in Sausilito, I decided to tak Highway 1 towards Stinson Beach and go up that highway. Very sharp turns to the coast. Going up the coast was very cold, eventually cut back inland and ended up near Santa Rosa. The roads were all very windy, it felt like I just did 200 bench presses.
Krid80 made it up throught the Bay Area traffic to spend the night at our house. I think he's hooded on lane splitting. My wife made a good dinner and we sat outside while he showed me pics of his travels in the mid ans south US. Fun to meet and visit with ither firum members. I jumped on my FZ1 and here is few pics of our meet in Auburn, Ca
Only a couple pics as we wanted to get to my place before dark when the forest rats come out.

Well I am home and rested. What an awesome forum and awesome bunch of guys and gals. This forum is filled with some of the nicest, warmest, down to earth, generous people I have ever had the pleasure to meet :thumbup:

It was great meeting old friends for the first time :D Motogiro, Krid, Vegas, Lone and Lefty it was an absolute pleasure meeting you, talking with you and riding with you. Wavex, Chemicker and Defy sorry that we weren't able to meet on this run, but I am sure we will meet at some point. Marina sorry to hear the bike was out of commission it would have been nice to have seen you again on this trip, I have to get down for another Thursday Night Ride Night.

And for any of you that may be wondering Lone lives up to the legend, comedian, philosopher, fighter and madman all rolled into one! Oh, and did I mention he is fluent in several languages :D
:eek: what do the forest rats do! :eek:

Sounds like something out of a horror film..

Very scary- worse than any horror film! They jump out of the forest and try to kill you, if they miss you their off spring will try to get you. They have no brains, just hoofs and antlers. :eek:
So after a good nights sleep. Dirk was all set to ride to Utah and I talked him into riding Hwy 50 across Nevada. Much better than riding I-80 all the way across the Silver State.
Here are a few shots of him on the fly over Donner Pass - not the best pictures but if you knew how bumpy that road is it's a wonder they you can see him.




Sorry I didn't get down to the coast to meet Lone and others but it was great to have Dirk spend the night with us- he's a good guy.
Crazy long day in the saddle. Not sure how many miles I covered but I rode from red wasp's house to Salina UT arriving here at 2 am. US-50 is a barren desolate place. I would go for over an hour at times without seeing another soul. Nevada 722 is pretty cool, too.

Alright, goodnight.

Thanks again to Doug for putting me up last night.
Take care Dirk! Safe Home! It was great to finally meet you! :rockon:
Google maps has it as 631 miles. Now you know why I like my FJR for blasting across Nevada. Hwy 50-the "Loneliest Highway in America" is the slogan. Still beats the heck out of I-80 and it does go through some nice Pinon Pines and Juniper forests.
On Hwy 722 a couple years back with a fully loaded FJR the gps max speed was 151mph :innocent:
I had lunch with Vegasrider, and we tried to get him some new tires, but we couldn't find anyone that had the rear tire in stock, or they were closed till Tuesday. We were told that pilot road 2ct don't sell to well here in the NW, so they don't stock to many. Michelins are on sale, both front and back are cheaper than my bridgestone tires that I bought less than a year ago. We did get him a new chain though.

It was great meeting you Kenny, hopefully we can get a ride in before you head north to the other Vancouver.
Due to time, on Saturday, I decided to slab up the 101 rather cutting back inland towards the coast. I kept passing numerous signs warning vehicles over 35ft in length were prohibited or not advised, talk about a sign saying LOOK, Motorcycle road! LOL...I swear, the state of California is #1 in my books for motorcycles. They have the coast and mountains, best of both worlds.

So here I am into the state of Oregon. For those who have never been to the Oregon Coast, here are some pictures. Hundreds of miles of this type of coastline with hundreds of state parks and viewpoints. It took me about an hour just to go ten miles. Kept stopping to take pictures.







