Website Header Vote

Website Header

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Staff member
Feb 9, 2007
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Hey FZ6 ers...... Boneman has made a new header for the site.... I am asking everyone to vote on either using the new header or the current one....


Like the new header.

But, whatever you do, please DO NOT change the text/background of the posts! There's a couple of Nikon camera sites I'd love to use but they use white text on a black background, and as I get older that is just too hard on the eyes!
Looks refreshing. Too bad there isn't a way to add or superimpose another colored bike or two so those members aren't left out who are not fortunate to own a blue one. :p
hey that's OK that way the blue ones have there shot at being on top also!!!:justkidding:

I like the new header it looks more refined and finished.:thumbup:
I like the new one. I like the old one too. Can you have them rotate and others over time? I know that Reef Frontiers using the same vBulletin® template does have rotating headers.
As long as the bike is blue I'm happy :)

Honestly though the new one is very well designed and striking... well done Boneman :thumbup:
Looks like the new one has won.... but the vote is still open till tomorrow....
... the header is not scalable with different browser resolutions... so.... Im not sure how to make it work....yet.....
... the header is not scalable with different browser resolutions... so.... Im not sure how to make it work....yet.....

aha, i saw this a while back and I've been looking for a reason to implement it somewhere. I'd be willing to help out if you're interested.

and here's a more detailed explanation with a bunch of different implementations (listd in the comments)
Yaniv’s Gems » Blog Archive » Seam Carving

and here's the wikipedia article
Seam carving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

......also this might be way overkill for such a simple scenario, but why use a hammer when you've got dynamite handy?
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now if I could just find that pic of me a 1/2 mile behind nicky hayden...