w00t! My baby is back home!


I'm a girl dammit!
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Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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I posted last month about my first long trip and how it ended with a very tired Boo banging into a parked truck at our friend's house. Well my hubby and friend repaired her last night, and I rode her home. She has been on the center stand in our friend's garage for a few weeks.. she felt a little squishy, is that from the shocks relaxing/stretching? We will be double checking the tire pressure too. All in all it was a perfect night to ride her home. One exception, is someone riding right on my back.. I sped up a little to put some space.. they creeped up again.. I did one more speed up, then said to my self (not outloud hehe) if they get too close again I will pull over and let em pass. Well they didn't and I just think they didn't realize how close they were.. they followed me all the way to my road... must be summer people, they had NH plates. In the winter we may have 5 year rounders on our road.

Anyway, glad she is back home where she belongs. Can't wait to ride again :)
Glad your bike is back. :thumbup:

It is the ones behind you that you need to look out for.

I quite often talk to myself out loud on the bike. :eek:
Good to hear your baby is back:cheer::cheer:, the squishyness could be that you just need to remember what it feels like. Did you see any oil on the front fork?

I think talking out load is normal. Well at least for me. Maybe I'm not normal.:eek::D:rolleyes:
Glad to hear you're back on the road, enjoy.

Yeah I hate the people behind driving close, a mate of mine got his bike sandwiched between 2 cars, as the car behind didn't stop on time, luckily he was catapulted over the car in front and only sustained minor injuries, his bike was totally written off and the 2 cars bumpers were interlocked :eek:

In this sort of situation (and the guy won't pass) I would have done the exact same as you, but luckily the driver decided to let up.

Anyway pleased your bike's fixed :thumbup:
Good to hear your baby is back:cheer::cheer:, the squishyness could be that you just need to remember what it feels like. Did you see any oil on the front fork?

I think talking out load is normal. Well at least for me. Maybe I'm not normal.:eek::D:rolleyes:

Well then I should pose this question to you:

What is normal????

I posted last month about my first long trip and how it ended with a very tired Boo banging into a parked truck at our friend's house. Well my hubby and friend repaired her last night, and I rode her home. She has been on the center stand in our friend's garage for a few weeks.. she felt a little squishy, is that from the shocks relaxing/stretching? We will be double checking the tire pressure too. All in all it was a perfect night to ride her home. One exception, is someone riding right on my back.. I sped up a little to put some space.. they creeped up again.. I did one more speed up, then said to my self (not outloud hehe) if they get too close again I will pull over and let em pass. Well they didn't and I just think they didn't realize how close they were.. they followed me all the way to my road... must be summer people, they had NH plates. In the winter we may have 5 year rounders on our road.

Anyway, glad she is back home where she belongs. Can't wait to ride again :)
Good Job Boo,
Well then I should pose this question to you:

What is normal????


Normal is dependent on where and who you are with. if you are a vegetarian on a island of cannibals, you are not normal, but if one of those cannibals is at a vegetarian gathering, then he's not normal.:rolleyes:

As for me, I guess I am normal somewhere in this world.
Yea! Glad to hear you're back in the saddle! :steve:

When people ride my tail, I slow and turn my torso as far as I can and put a flat palm up toward them and use the push motion a couple times. If that doesn't back them off, I slowly slow to about 5 under the limit until they back off then resume at 5 over. If THAT fails, I lead them to a cop to see if he can ticket them for "Following to closely"
Glad you're back up and running- but you know, MSF tells you the last thing you should do is speed up for a tailgater... I probably would too though.

I talk to myself all the time when riding, it reverberates nicely in the helmet and I know I'm totally alone, no one is listening, unless they've bugged the helmet already...
tailgaters pi$$ me off more than anything else, especially at night, i will usually speed up once and if they continue to ride my tail i give them a little brake check (yes i know thats dangerous), and if all else fails i throw the finger up
Hey Boo, glad you've got the bike back, I didn't realize it was still laid up. Now get on it soon, come over the bridge, and lets ride in SE Mass. I'm not far from you. If we can pick a nice 100 mile ride, maybe we can get a group ride together in September.:Sport:
Hey Boo, glad you've got the bike back, I didn't realize it was still laid up. Now get on it soon, come over the bridge, and lets ride in SE Mass. I'm not far from you. If we can pick a nice 100 mile ride, maybe we can get a group ride together in September.:Sport:

That would be nice.. looks like we will make the August 23rd run too.