Video of San Fran Cop fatally shooting man


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Apr 17, 2008
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Crazy..what else do you say...looks like the cop was reaching to get out his cuffs and instead pulls his gun and shoots....whatta nut....QUOTE "A person close to the investigation told the San Francisco Chronicle that BART officials are looking into the possibility that the officer thought he was firing a Taser and pulled out his gun by mistake." END QUOTE

cops have too much power and many young black males have made for themselves a bad image with this "thug" lifestyle and attitude.
Normally I try justifying or showing reasoning when people bash police shootings, but this seemed absurd. He shot a restrained citizen. The farthest I could see going with that is the OC spray to the persons face. That shuts them up til you "give them the anitidote" aka water.
It's tragic for ALL involved I am sure, and needs to be learned from and not extorted into some" take over the world " mentality like l have seen posted all over the internet. I am not sure why it happened, (all we are seeing is a one sided video from a bunch of "people" trying to get involved in something that does not directly concern them), but it did happen. first thought, I would think is that the officer involved was trying go for a taser and pulled a gun during the no doubt confusion laced situation. Either way, the finger SHOULD have been indexed along the trigger guard. I don't want to speculate because I like most other people don't know the full and true story. :(
Im sorry, im gonna be the biggest a$$hole of this forum. but i see no problem with this. Now dont get me wrong, i do not think it was right to shoot him, there was no reason. But if he was reaching for the taser as stated, then although very tragic, this is just an ACCIDENT. Granted its a big accident. But because someone has to be "that guy" I guess ill be the first to say it. The way i see it is... a white cop shoots a black kid and its a horrible tragedy. Black cop shoots a black kid and its an accident.
You can plainly hear how bad these cops are being chanted at by the crowd, in fact half the cops have to stand "guard" over the people they are trying to arrest. People saying "F the police" throwing things at the cops. C'mon, yes police are trained to be professional, but put yourself in that situation, your trying to arrest someone, on the ground wrestling with them, and you have 10-15 other people surrounding you. It might be possible that this cop is what we call 'human' and got confused when reaching for his taser. Mistake? yes, Big mistake? Yes. but worth a 25 million dollar lawsuit? c'mon. You even hear the girl say "I got you MotherF*cker" Sounds more to me like she is more interested in putting a white cop away rather than the guy who got shot.

im sorry, i dont mean to turn this into a racial thing, im not racist at all, but this gets close to me because my brother in law is a cop, and this is all i hear from him are stories about this crap. Just a few months ago we had a white cop tase a black kid, and the kid ended up dying from it. It gets totally blown out of proportion, and turns into something its not. The kid who had been arrested multiple times and was fighting with police after being caught trying to sell drugs, was portrayed as the straight A student who was never in trouble with the law, tasered for no reason. Mean mean Mr WHITE cop. Innocent BLACK kid. Never did anything wrong :rolleyes:
While I was watching the video, I felt that although Oscar Grant might have previously caused some trouble, he was being cooperative. At least from what I could tell from the grainy video and ongoing external commotion. When both officers pushed him down and restrained him, I thought that was a bit extreme, but then I wasn't fully able to tell exactly what was going on. However, when the one officer pulled his gun and shot him, I felt sick. Sick, sick, sick.

I know that the police have to deal with many dangerous situations in their line of work, and I respect almost all of the law enforcement for what they do. However, this is a gross abuse of power under a controllable situation. This person did not need to die. Not in the least. My heart goes out to his family for their loss.
Understandable, but do you REALLY thought this was a case of abuse of power? Do you REALLY think that this police officer would really choose this situation, many people around, many people filming, and a restrained person on the ground, to abuse his power and take a life on purpose?

I highly doubt that with all the years on the force, all the situations he had, he would take this one, with so many witnesses, to abuse his power.
I agree,if you think about it, hmmm..... I think I am going to shoot and kill someone today, yeah... that sounds good. I will throw my life,family, and career down the drain. I will shame my self, department, and co-workers for the sake of taking someone's life. :eek: it sounds pretty stupid when it's put into perspective. I challenge anybody to walk a beat in a cop's shoes for a week.
Both parties are at fault. People shouldn't put themselves in postions with the cops where things can escalate into something like this, even though it may have been an accident. Even if you're right and the cops are wrong, it's a scenario that will not play out in your favor 9 out of 10 times. Knowing that a cop is a professional, having gone through extensive training, something like this should not have happened. But you never know, so once again, folks, don't put yourself in these kinds of situations.
Im sorry, im gonna be the biggest a$$hole of this forum. but i see no problem with this. Now dont get me wrong, i do not think it was right to shoot him, there was no reason. But if he was reaching for the taser as stated, then although very tragic, this is just an ACCIDENT. Granted its a big accident. But because someone has to be \"that guy\" I guess ill be the first to say it. The way i see it is... a white cop shoots a black kid and its a horrible tragedy. Black cop shoots a black kid and its an accident.
You can plainly hear how bad these cops are being chanted at by the crowd, in fact half the cops have to stand \"guard\" over the people they are trying to arrest. People saying \"F the police\" throwing things at the cops. C'mon, yes police are trained to be professional, but put yourself in that situation, your trying to arrest someone, on the ground wrestling with them, and you have 10-15 other people surrounding you. It might be possible that this cop is what we call 'human' and got confused when reaching for his taser. Mistake? yes, Big mistake? Yes. but worth a 25 million dollar lawsuit? c'mon. You even hear the girl say \"I got you MotherF*cker\" Sounds more to me like she is more interested in putting a white cop away rather than the guy who got shot.

im sorry, i dont mean to turn this into a racial thing, im not racist at all, but this gets close to me because my brother in law is a cop, and this is all i hear from him are stories about this crap. Just a few months ago we had a white cop tase a black kid, and the kid ended up dying from it. It gets totally blown out of proportion, and turns into something its not. The kid who had been arrested multiple times and was fighting with police after being caught trying to sell drugs, was portrayed as the straight A student who was never in trouble with the law, tasered for no reason. Mean mean Mr WHITE cop. Innocent BLACK kid. Never did anything wrong :rolleyes:

the problem is the fact the cop didnt even need to use the TASER. the kid was not resisting and had 3 cops on him. even if the cop had successfully managed to grab his taser and the kid had not died from the taser....i would still say the cop went too far. i mean come on, rly? the kid is giving up and has 3 people on him. better attitude from the police would have been a better resolution.

your entire post is garbage, i am sorry to say. the fact remains the cop didnt even need to use a taser. the fact that he pulled out his gun instead just makes all the worse. i have NO doubt that ppl do make up stories about cops being overaggressive, but it DOES happen SOME of the time. the cop in question here is guilty. - Family Files Claim In BART Shooting; Officer ID'd

this shows a clearer view, and it definitely looks like he was not trying intentionally shoot the man. I have been in many situations where I had to draw my weapon when things might have looked "under control" to an untrained bystander. Our county had a deputy shot during the summer by a handcuffed behind the back suspect. the suspect drew and fired striking the deputy in the chest. Fortunately the deputy survived and another one returned fire. Several days ago I drove up on a Murder/attempted murder EDIT******************************************* Vegas said it right, better to not involve yourself in a situation like that. If the Cop is wrong,then file a complaint, don't become part of it.

I am not condoning what happened, I am merely giving incite into why things like this can happen.
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Capitol P capitol I capitol G I've had it with the corrupt american govt. give the kids who were picked on in highschool guns and you've got our police force, we need to fire and rehire based on psycological test, especially summerville sc cops if you happen to be one stop following me around town, ****ing motorcycle cop try serving your city rather than hitting easy quotas especially you valentine see you in court
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Keep it civil folks, ok? We don't need to be arguing about it. Debate it, don't try and push your views on others.

I have no comment on the video as it wasn't clear enough. The report did say the cop only had two years on the force too so a lack of experience and/or training might be a part of it?
Keep it civil folks, ok? We don't need to be arguing about it. Debate it, don't try and push your views on others.

I have no comment on the video as it wasn't clear enough. The report did say the cop only had two years on the force too so a lack of experience and/or training might be a part of it?

Plus 1 on the lack of training/experience.
I happen to be a police officer, with two years on and close to the same age, and in my department we are only allowed to carry our taser cross draw, this is most likely due to the fact that know one wants to see something like this happen. I have heard both, that he was shot in the back and another channel said in the head, if it was the head, then the taser reasoning is faulty. This guy just had a baby about a week ago and I'm pretty sure he wants to see his child again. I hope that he recovers no matter what happens to him, I am some what incline to believe he made a "rookie" type mistake, a very very egregious rookie mistake. No matter what happens the victims family will receive a lot of cash and I think the next concern is that this guys trial does not start a riot in Oakland.
Capitol P capitol I capitol G I've had it with the corrupt american govt. give the kids who were picked on in highschool guns and you've got our police force, we need to fire and rehire based on psycological test, especially summerville sc cops if you happen to be one stop following me around town, ****ing motorcycle cop try serving your city rather than hitting easy quotas especially you valentine see you in court

Are you kidding me??? :confused: