Video of San Fran Cop fatally shooting man

****ing motorcycle cop try serving your city rather than hitting easy quotas especially you valentine see you in court

Not sure how it is in SC, but here in Vegas, that's exactly what all the motorcycle cops do. Their primary duty is traffic. That means writing a ton of traffic tickets ( me included ) and responding to traffic accidents.
Police officers are people too and can make mistakes, so why are they allowed to drive fast or carry a gun?

The answer you will get is invariably going to be that they are trained to drive fast or handle a weapon.....hmmmmm. When they've already got somebodies rego number they still chase, thus endangering the public for no reason. And this.

I'm not saying that they should be unarmed and unprotected but there should be something in place to make it a bit harder to mistake the 2 weapons if that is in fact what has happened.

I don't feel comfortable with anybody pointing a gun at me, no matter how well they are trained and this shows why.

here is my little point... The thing that gets me the most. How many times a day do you see people acting out on police? Throwing things, calling them names, even shooting at them. Do the police sue them? When a police officer gets shot in the line of duty, do you hear a 25 million dollar suit following? no... When will this country stop having so much respect for the criminals, and a little more respect for the police? Had that cop been shot by someone in the crowd i doubt it would have made the news, not nationwide atleast. Cops are expected to be superheros 100% of the time and it doesnt happen. Thats not reality.

Quit monday morning QB'ing....
If the "Taser" excuse is true, then that brings up the fact that police have become too comfortable with the device and are too quick to rely on it rather than detaining the individual by hand.

Tasers are a nice tool for big drunk people, people on meth, etc. But they're not fully less-than-lethal. I remember of a story where a cop tasered an old lady and it caused her to die of a heart attack.

Maybe the cop just snapped and purposely shot him. Wouldn't be the first time.
Maybe the cop just snapped and purposely shot him. Wouldn't be the first time.

Well after reading up on the kid they shot, it doenst hurt my feelings. Not the first time he has been in trouble, drug charges, running from police with a weapon. File that under "oh well" in my book. One less person i gotta worry about breaking into my house or selling drugs on my block.
the thing that REALLY pi$$es me off is these kids now who think its cool to egg cops on, disrespect them, and try to get them to snap so they can film it. Freaking Animals if you ask me... and i dont mean that by black people, i mena that by anyone who calls cops pigs and then wonder why the cops dont protect them when something happens to them...
This is an incident very similar to one that changed procedures in Sacramento, CA. The officers were not required to carry their tazers on opposite or "non-firing" side and an Officer fully intending to taze a suspect shot them. The big difference was the suspect didn't die.

If you look at the video objectively you will see that the officers are behaving very professionally. They are not "abusing" power, simply doing their job.

If this turns out to be an accident as I have heard from people close to the situation, it will lead to procedural changes.

This is a bad situation for all involved, I don't think we need to make it worse by bringing race or malicious intent into it.
This all brings to mind a quote I heard " Next Time someone is kicking your door in at 3 A.M., don't call the police, call your attorney"
Very sad. A man died needlessly and it's all about a government conspiracy and racism and $25 million. No one knows what this officer was thinking, maybe he did snap, maybe he accidentally pulled the trigger, maybe he did think it was a taser, we just don't know. To instantly jump to conclusions (on either side of the spectrum) is just plain sad. Even our own law enforcement is now guilty until proven innocent, and so are black males. The irony is so thick I could throw up. What ugly people we have become.
Amen my friend! I would love to experience total love and peace amongst evryone in the world for one week.
Capitol P capitol I capitol G I've had it with the corrupt american govt. give the kids who were picked on in highschool guns and you've got our police force, we need to fire and rehire based on psycological test, especially summerville sc cops if you happen to be one stop following me around town, ****ing motorcycle cop try serving your city rather than hitting easy quotas especially you valentine see you in court

^^ :tard: ^^

Dude! You've got to be freaking kidding me! Ah... never mind. I choose civility at this moment. Sheeh!

Anyway, in addendum to my previous post which I wrote up while in an emotional state based on the whole situation: it is possible that the cop meant to grab his taser. I don't know, I wasn't there, I have no idea what was going through his mind. Sadly though, what's done is done, and there's nothing more that can be done about it.

In a nutshell, I have the greatest respect for the police force. These people have to deal with insane situations every single day. These officers are here to protect and to serve, and for the most part, that's what they do. For that, they mostly get a lot of flack from people. Sure, I understand that not all cops are perfect and that there are some who abuse the power that they have. However, there are those who do their jobs with dignity and decency, and they are the ones who I salute.
Capitol P capitol I capitol G I've had it with the corrupt american govt. give the kids who were picked on in highschool guns and you've got our police force, we need to fire and rehire based on psycological test, especially summerville sc cops if you happen to be one stop following me around town, ****ing motorcycle cop try serving your city rather than hitting easy quotas especially you valentine see you in court

Hey Craver - Have you looked into the requirements for becoming a police officer in a major city? It is not an easy task and the vast majority of applicants don't even make past the interview process.

A friend of mine in the National Guard was an Active Duty SF Medic and applied to be an City of Austin Police Officer. With his medical and tactical weapons training they were very interested in him. He graduated from the Police Academy and he said the training was very demanding both physically and mentally, harder than several Army courses he'd attended. This is a guy who jumped into both Panama and Desert Storm and did all kinds of secret squirel stuff and is a Q Course graduate.

I had another Soldier who I wrote a letter of recommendation for who tried three times to get into the Austin Police Academy and finally made it on the fourth try. He was an outstanding Soldier and an active duty MP for 4 years.

Bottomline - PDs in most cities don't take any old Joe off the block.
Capitol P capitol I capitol G I've had it with the corrupt american govt. give the kids who were picked on in highschool guns and you've got our police force, we need to fire and rehire based on psycological test, especially summerville sc cops if you happen to be one stop following me around town, ****ing motorcycle cop try serving your city rather than hitting easy quotas especially you valentine see you in court

Cops following just you around huh? I've lived in several states and ridden in even more. Never have I had a problem with a police officer either following me, picking on me because I ride a bike or harrasing me. Seems to me your either feeling paranoid, or actually afraid of getting caught doing whatever it is your doing. Don't break the law and you won't have problems, and wont have a need to keep looking over your shoulder to see if a cop is around. I hope that you never actually need the service of one of those so called "PIGS" any time soon. My guess is you would change your tune really quickly if you did though! Guess what, they would do whatever they could to protect you, even if they knew you thought so lowely of them. Who's the low life then?
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this whole post just makes my blood boil.. i needs to be removed completely, its a disgrace to police officers. I understand freedom of speech but not against the people who protect you.

This reminds me of that family who protests at soldiers funerals, they talk trash about soldiers, then hide behind the countries "freedom of speech" that the soldiers provide for them. Its the same as this, people talk trash about police officers and the justice system, then when they get a little boo boo they go hide behind the justice system to sue someone for 25 million... or when they get their house broken into, or car jacked, they call the "pigs" to come fix it...

Ignorant people need to have their gene pool chlorinated.
Hey Craver - Have you looked into the requirements for becoming a police officer in a major city? It is not an easy task and the vast majority of applicants don't even make past the interview process.

A friend of mine in the National Guard was an Active Duty SF Medic and applied to be an City of Austin Police Officer. With his medical and tactical weapons training they were very interested in him. He graduated from the Police Academy and he said the training was very demanding both physically and mentally, harder than several Army courses he'd attended. This is a guy who jumped into both Panama and Desert Storm and did all kinds of secret squirel stuff and is a Q Course graduate.

I had another Soldier who I wrote a letter of recommendation for who tried three times to get into the Austin Police Academy and finally made it on the fourth try. He was an outstanding Soldier and an active duty MP for 4 years.

Bottomline - PDs in most cities don't take any old Joe off the block.

I had to fill out a 5 page application just to be eligible for the real 22 page application. 315 total applicants for 4 positions. 250 passed the physical agility, 160 passed the written test, About 90 passed the background, 85 passed the drug test. 75 passed the PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST(ICE CARVER), 65 passed the Polygraph, 25, passed the 2nd interview, an I was # 2 out of the 4 hired. Today marks my 12th year anniversary at my department, not counting 2 1/2 prior years experience at another agency. I am now a Corporal/Training Officer at my department, 1 out of 7 total at a 110 man department. It took me 5 long months to complete the application process, 3 months at the police academy and 4 months in an FTO program before I went on the road by myself.
Hey Craver - Have you looked into the requirements for becoming a police officer in a major city? It is not an easy task and the vast majority of applicants don't even make past the interview process.

A friend of mine in the National Guard was an Active Duty SF Medic and applied to be an City of Austin Police Officer. With his medical and tactical weapons training they were very interested in him. He graduated from the Police Academy and he said the training was very demanding both physically and mentally, harder than several Army courses he'd attended. This is a guy who jumped into both Panama and Desert Storm and did all kinds of secret squirel stuff and is a Q Course graduate.

I had another Soldier who I wrote a letter of recommendation for who tried three times to get into the Austin Police Academy and finally made it on the fourth try. He was an outstanding Soldier and an active duty MP for 4 years.

Bottomline - PDs in most cities don't take any old Joe off the block.

Honest people have nothing to fear from law enforcement. It's those that are constantly breaking the law that hate them! Why? Beacuse they are interupting their every day life.

I see CARVER as a 10 post wonder! One who never comes back to say why the cops are really watching him. If I had to guess it would probably be the 10 page wrap sheet he has, or the 15 weed plants in his basement! That's just my speculation though, he can correct me if I'm wrong.
got a close friend that is a federal police officer. he is now in afghanistan. got another buddy that is a fort worth police officer. my uncle was police for 35 years. somebody said try walking in an officers shoes for one shift. i know i wouldnt. the general public just doesnt know what these guys go through. mistakes happen--theirs are just more magnified.
Newest update... a crowd of "upstanding americans, with no criminal background" have chosen to take the law into their own hands after this shooting and attach a police car. They also set dumpsters on fire... no word on injuries... I wonder if they will get taken to court for 25 Million too? Or does that law only work one way?