
I am owned by an incredibly spoiled Weimaraner - the one in the photo. She is a couple years older now and much more regal looking now, but... The Weim is known as the "Grey Ghost" - blends into all surroundings (which you don't think they do until you see it), hence, Ghost Weim. :)
To combine my 2 all time favourite vehicles/hobbies into my username.

FZ6er = you know...
FSR = Specialized's full suspension MTB trademark; MTBing.
D-Mac was a nickname given to me by some of the college students I teach ('D' is my first initial, and 'Mac' is the first part of my last name, although it's not spelled that way). It stuck.
Nothing too exciting, Andz is just short for Andrew.

It's also the personalised registration number of my Fazer :)

This is an old pic from before I had the tail tidy fitted.

Well it's where I Live.i origanaly chose just shreveport then I screwed up on the joining gig and when I got it right it made me put the 1 on it.looking back now I wish i would have used The Toecutter. LOL
I used to march in a drum & bugle corps, Pioneer, which has an Irish heritage. I chose shamrocker as a username on the original Hotmail website and it stuck. Sometimes I have to add a 98 to the end, which was the first year I joined the group.
MX is for motocross and GOLF is for golf. I didn't know if I should cross it up or chip it in!! That's been my e-mail address for 15 years on all four e-mails. My Toyota truck has MXGOLF on the license plates. Kind of weird but oh well. :thumbup:
Pretty boring! David=David (see told you, Boring).
1=I'm the only one. I know my mom is glad of that.
My user name is my initials , Jeffery Scott W. and my employee ID #4178.
I have always used the name Scott.
Well as many others have said of themselves "I have no imagination..." I'm here to tell you that I have no imagination either.... I was in such a hurry to make a screen name so I could look at the pictures on this forum that I didn't even stop to think of a cool name. Now I wish I would have thought of a better one, oh well...... Anyway, J- for my first name Josh, L-for my middle name, and my last name Smith. The #'s 411 stand for you know, the scoop, the inside track, the down low, etc.... haha.

btw-cool thread. :)
I have my brother to thank for mine. I'm waaayyyy older than my brothers & sister - I was an accident and my youngest brother was a big surprise. So one time I was lecturing the bros, my middle brother took my name, Brandon, and morphed it with Dad. So I became Brandad. I kinda liked it since my first child had been recently born.
Well, mine stems from 99 when I started playing EQ. I'm effectively quit, but I can't seem to cancel the thing. If any of you folks were bitten by that bug, you know what I'm talking about. :) I couldn't have a variation of my first name since I think it was too long. So I varied my middle name Paul into Paulinus. I'm lazy, so nearly everything I join I use that as my username so I only have to remember one. :D