USAF dexterity test

Oh this is addictive.

I'm going to swap computers as I can't control the mouse too good on the laptop pad.

Well this has ruined anything I had planned for tonight.

Allright, I can't remember the last time I cleaned the crud out of this mouse... Do you realize what you've started??? :D
19.035 with proof lol next pic will be 25+ if it ever happens!

30yr old :D
i play the wii everyday its too crappy to ride lol

good game/test
Ahh darn you and your computer crack. Now I won't be able to do anything till I beat this madness or humpty which ever comes first:Flip:
Wow that is addicting!!
My best so far is 20.88. You're right though. Once you get a system down it's fairly easy to get further and further. I'm sure my record won't last long. :thumbup:
Just got home from work and thought I'll have a quick look at the forum and go to bed early for once....Thanks a

Only had a few goes. Once I figured out the thing moves around on your mouse pointer a bit I stopped hitting the sides, and just had to dodge the blue blocks...pity my mouse sucks a bit:(.

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