Up shifting Techniques

How you up shift

  • Use a clutch everytime

    Votes: 68 69.4%
  • Use a clutch for 1st to 2nd and then clutchless

    Votes: 18 18.4%
  • clutchless all the way through

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Other (say in thread)

    Votes: 5 5.1%

  • Total voters
If you know how to then by all means don't bother with clutching, for those that don't know the trick either learn it or just live with clutching. I can tell you that I almost never use my clutch above 2nd and never have issues.
When I ride my dirt bike, which I might add get's way more abuse to the tranny and clutch, on that I use the clutch to get in first gear only. On occasion when I need to ride the clutch for technical riding then obviously I use it, otherwise no way, not needed!
Depends on my mood. Constant mesh baby! Constant mesh! :BLAA:

I used to do clutchless (except for start and stop) on manual car and truck trannies. Once a friends clutch linkage broke and I drove it home by turning the motor off to stop and starting it in first gear, all with clutchless shifting. :)
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I think this on has been done before. But at least it's not a oil thread.


Yea, I did a search about that and found that one. The only problem is that it left out the clutch in option from first to second.

I have found that my bike clunks heavily when clutchless shifting through neutral.

Thank you for the heads up, should have stated that on the initial post though.

Ohh, by the way, what is the best oil and filter combo available? :spank:
Depends on my mood. Constant mesh baby! Constant mesh! :BLAA:

I used to do clutchless (except for start and stop) on manual car and truck trannies. Once a friends clutch linkage broke and I drove it home by turning the motor off to stop and starting it in first gear, all with clutchless shifting. :)

Did that on my cage for 3 months in college. That's how I learn... I use the clutch sometime, just one of those things I don't think about... I just shift.

Just like when you turn... Are you a pusher or puller? LOL :BLAA:
I've tried up-shifting clutchless and it works well most of the time. Had an incident where i was going from 3rd to 4th and got stuck in between the gears somehow, RPM's went WAY up, and it knocked into 4th probably around 9-10,000. Kinda scary as the bike gave a pretty good jerk forward. Also, if I don't hit it just right, I get a kind of chirping feeling in the rear wheel:confused:. I've become pretty quick with shifting using the clutch, so I say why not use it.
Just put light steady pressure on the shifter and then quickly roll off the throttle and the bike will shift when the rpm's match. Takes about 20-50 times to get it down smoothly (except for me and 1st to 2nd)
I haven't tried putting pressure on the shifter before rolling off, cant believe I didn't think of that lol. I've just rolled off, knocked it up, and roll on. Guess I'll try it that way! Thanks man.
I used to do clutchless (except for start and stop) on manual car and truck trannies. Once a friends clutch linkage broke and I drove it home by turning the motor off to stop and starting it in first gear, all with clutchless shifting. :)

My uncle drove school buses in NJ for years, he said he did that to get a bus back to the yard with no clutch once. Thankfully minus kids. :BLAA:

I learnt myself how to do it in my truck, and used to do it driving from NC to MD on weekends, left foot perched on the mirror, driving with the cruise control. Downshifts are a little tricky, and I'm sure it doesn't do my synchros any favors, but it's a fun skill to have.

On the bike, 1-2 upshift and engine-braking downshifts only. :D
I use the clutch 99% of the time. The other 1% is when I'm riding and I recall the thread that mentioned you can shift without it. I'm too trained to use the clutch, so if I'm not actively thinking about it, clutch lever gets pulled.

I did try it a few times from 1st to 2nd and wasn't able to, I think even 2nd to 3rd. Definitely easy to do up from there.
I use the clutch when going from 1st to 2nd and thats it. 2nd through 6th is clutchless and I always use the clutch when downshifting through all the gears. I have been riding street bikes since i was 19 ( im 33 now ), but i have been riding quads and dirtbikes since i was about 5. I do the exact shifting techniques when riding those as well. I have never had any kind of tranny issue with anything I ever had using this technique.
I use the clutch when going from 1st to 2nd and thats it. 2nd through 6th is clutchless and I always use the clutch when downshifting through all the gears. I have been riding street bikes since i was 19 ( im 33 now ), but i have been riding quads and dirtbikes since i was about 5. I do the exact shifting techniques when riding those as well. I have never had any kind of tranny issue with anything I ever had using this technique.

Likewise, but its still weird that I get dumbfounded looks when I tell people that this is how I shift.
Yeah i do too ... using the clutch between first and second just smoothes out the transition between the two having to go past neutral. The other gears you dont have to go past neutral so its just as smooth whether you use the clutch or not so y use it .. lol
It just depends on my mood and how I'm riding. If I'm just cruising and not in a hurry I use the clutch about 99% of the time, but if I feel like riding a little more aggressive I end up clutching from 1-2 but clutchless the rest of the way up. I also like to play around sometimes and see just how fast I can run through the gears without revving the bike that much, so clutch from 1-2 but then run it up to about 7-8k and keep snatching gears as quick as possible, it's fun and sounds awesome too!!! And I also like clutchless down shifting, start in 6th blip the throttle while putting pressure on the shifter and once the rpms jump to about there peak from the blip downshift. It's not as smooth as clutchless up shifting but fun none the less!!!
I learned Double clutching on a 31' Model A, Which Didn't give me an option..not a synchronized tranny. All you could do is listen and feel when the gears matched. Sometimes i shift my bike with no clutch. But usually I still like using the clutch :)