UK Riders ride out

Sorry Neill dont have your number you can get mine from the PM.

I have to be back in Kings X at 09:00 Sunday so an overnighter is unlikely but I am packing spare kit just in case.
Hi Everyone.

Well got back from Sparkford (Heynes Motor Museum) at 6.30, great, I mean great ride, what a ride from Cirencester to there via Chippenham, Bradford upon Avon, fab mix of A roads, B roads and back. Way down was a tad cold at 7.30, and a few showers. However we had a few sharp showers, and when the rain, and hail came down like stairods at 3, I just had to think, glad I wasn't out on the observed rides. But the sun did shine and it was welcome to do so. I'll attach a few pics when I have downloaded them from the phone.

Hope all those who went on the UK ride has enjoyed it and your weather was OK.

Neil, sorry I'm don't teach the advanced stuff as I'm not a bike cop, but am doing the IAM Observer training this year, so that I can give back to the group and help those who join, pass their IAM test. If you want to send a private message re this please do so or call me at work
and I'll do what I can to help put you in the right direction.

Best wishes

A great night

Hi fellas ...

Just letting you all know I got home safely ... let me know likewise :)

A big thank you to Nelly, Grommit, Toolkit, Numpty and last but by no means least Fast Blue one who certaintly gave us some entertainment last night !!
I'll let Nelly tell the tale ;)

Glad I was able to stay over in the end and enjoy a great Ruby and lots of beer and wine :Flash:

Weather wasn't the best but we certainly had fun.... Next time we'll book the weather and a nice track to zoom around :Sport:


P.s: Please don't post those dodgy photo's unless they been airbrushed to make all us old gits look ten years younger :)
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Re: A great night

Hi fellas ...

Just letting you all know I got home safely ... let me know likewise :)

A big thank you to Nelly, Grommit, Toolkit, Numpty and last but by no means least Fast Blue one who certaintly gave us some entertainment last night !!
I'll let Nelly tell the tale ;)

Glad I was able to stay over in the end and enjoy a great Ruby and lots of beer and wine :Flash:

Weather wasn't the best but we certainly had fun.... Next time we'll book the weather and a nice track to zoom around :Sport:


P.s: Please don't post those dodgy photo's unless they been airbrushed to make all us old gits look ten years younger :)

Nelly fully loaded...


Performance upgrade..

Home in 1 piece (more or less) and always happy to provide all sorts of entertaintment. :thumbup::D
Same as guys,
I will post some pics tonight, especially the one where Joona looks like an old git lol.
I want to thank all the guys who came and made it a great day/night.
Also big thanks to Midnight who tried to get there but kept us in the loop.

Same as guys,
I will post some pics tonight, especially the one where Joona looks like an old git lol.
I want to thank all the guys who came and made it a great day/night.
Also big thanks to Midnight who tried to get there but kept us in the loop.


Cheers mate,
I was very disappointed not to get there to say the least.
Get your pics up soon, looking forward to checking them out, and hearing all the stories!
Hope to make it next time.
Hottest curry prize winner was Grommit !!!

Only person brave enough to try the vindaloo :thumbup:

I think it was a joint 1st place in the "drink Leamington dry" competition between all but Fast blue one .... he was slightly busy down the local A&E getting a check up from the neck up ;)

Nelly wins 1st prize for the largest morning after full English breakfast competition :Flip: Numpty certainly couldn't face one and I only managed poached eggs on toast :eek:

Great meet fellas :Sport:
Great to hear you all had such a great day, Fast blue one, what's all this about the A&E :confused:
sorry to hear about your weather, I must admit it's been glorious here this weekend (shame I had to stay at home and entertain Kids, but I did manage to sneak in just over an hour of riding yesterday at tea time :thumbup).

Looking forward to the rest of the pics, and of course all of the new members you managed to persuade to join our forum.
Re: A great night

Hi chaps toolkit and myself got home safely all be it in the pi**ing rain,at one stage it rained that hard i could not see ten foot in front of the bike :eek: havin said that the clothing kept me dry but my hands were like blocks of ice(heated grips i hear you say JC :thumbup:)

Just like to say big thanks to all the guys for a great meet and look forward to the next one :rockon:

What a great weekend it turned out to be. I rode down to meet Numpty and Toolkit before setting off up Norff. This was my first experience of leading a small group and I found that it required quite a lot of concentration to ensure that we all got through lights together. As you can see I had managed to pack every thing that you could possibly require for three months in the Outer Hebrides.
In fairness although some of the guys took the piss most of it was first aid stuff (some one has to be sensible lol).
The ride up To Alf England’s was pretty good, it threatened to rain but we got away with just a small amount of drizzle.
I manage to take us by Coventry football stadium twice as I could not read my sat nav screen with the sun shining behind me.
We got there just after midday. Grommit and Jonac were already there and then the rain came.
We have to pay a huge amount of gratitude to Alf England’s staff who were very courteous and hospitable to us. They gave us a 10% discount on any purchases and put on a lovely buffet lunch.
The sales team very also very kind and checked the 2005 bikes to ensure that the warranty recalls had been carried out.
After we left Alf’s we headed off in a convoy to Leamington spar.
Big lesson learnt by us all, it is very difficult to ride through town and anticipate traffic lights ect. Toolkit managed to go right when we all managed to go left whilst pulling onto a slip road. Fortunately he got across the three lanes of traffic ok.
The Hotel (B&B) was well situated to town and very comfortable indeed.
After installing Numpty’s K & N we decided that a quick SSS was in order before going into town to wash the dust out of our throats.
Leamington town is very clean and tidy, and in reflection of our upper-class status we managed to find a very grotty pub (no names mentioned)
We had only just got stuck into our second drink when fast blue one became ill and we had to cart him off to the local ER department. (his story to tell not mine). We decided that the best plan would be to have a kitty going to purchase the beer from. We all put in £20.00 and I got lumbered with the responsibility of it lol. Grommit was very clever as he came out with out a jacket and had no pockets.
After a few swift shandys we found a delightful restaurant that seemed to operate a cold food policy. We were too hungry to give a dam and Fast blue one arrived after being discharged from Hospital. Kieran opted to miss dinner but go onto medicinal brandy.
Sorry this is the only pic I got of Fast Blue one. Some would say it is Kieran’s best side (sorry mate).
One note on the kitty, as we are all hardened drinkers you can imagine that the initial £20.00 needed to be topped up regularly. Well wrong actually, we are all a bunch of old farts. Jonac found the kitty in the morning and we all had £10.00 refund lol.
Finally home, I had rain, sleet and hail stones. My Hein Gericke jacket held up as much resistance as a prom queen’s underwear. I was soaked. I quickly jumped in the bath and promptly fell asleep to wake up in freezing water.
thanks guys we will have to do it again.

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Impression of the night goe's to Toolkit

Jim (left) doing his best to look like Robert Mitcham (under exposed sorry)