Two Cops Wreck Thier Bikes Today


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2007
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Georgia, U.S.A.
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Around Atlanta today two cops had wrecks with thier bikes. One has died and the other is in bad shape. Both were off duty and on thier personal sport bikes. One bike looked like a CBR and the other was FUBAR.The wrecks were separate incidents at different locations. The CBR cop werck was a single vehicle accident( ran off the road) and the fatality got hit in a intersection. I sure hate to see anyone on a bike get hurt or killed but with it being cops it's even worse. I can foresee some gung ho legislator using this to push some sort of sport bike ban. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll have to wait and see.
Could have been run off the road by a cage. They diden't say. I had a friend of mine that had a bad bike wreck a few years back. Messed him up real bad. He lost his left leg and most of the use of his left arm. He's not real sure what happend but he's pretty sure he was hit by a car that was trying to pass him. People found him on the back road he was riding on about 15 minutes after the wreck. He thinks it was a hit and run because his wallet and his bright yellow helmet was missing at the seen of the wreck and were never found. He never road without his helmet or his wallet. Kinda hard to lose a bright yellow helmet. He thinks that who ever hit him stole his wallet and helmet and left him for dead. The police could not find any real evidence of a collision because the bike was FUBAR so they wrote it up as a single vehicle accident.