Turn Signals's and Hazards Don't Work?


Jul 30, 2007
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Anybody know a possible cause of turn signals and hazards not working? I've checked the fuses and they are fine. Any advice or things I can check?
Great question. I do not know. I went out to the garage, turned mine one, took off the seat, took off both side pods, disconnected the relays, they still flash, listened for the tell tale tic tic tic of a electomechanical flasher, I could not hear it. Its hot, its almost midnight, so I put it back together, and called it a night.
Sorry I could not be of more service, I just dont know where it is.
Thanks for the effort! I'll take a look at it tonight. I think it may be on the left side of the bike, up near the forks (based on an article I read). I'll see what I can find.
Update - my issue was that I had an open ground on the turn signal. Here's how I diagnosed it and fixed it:

1.) Tested power at the signal just before the flasher module (the flasher module is located under the left front ferring (panel A as described in the owners manual). - No power before flasher.

2.) Tested power at the fuse (fuses located under right side of seat, inside cover). - Power available at fuse.

3.) Started to find point of power loss, but unfortunately it was inside the frame (discovered afer removing tank).

4.) Decided my best option was to run a new circuit to the signals from the fuse, which I did and everything worked fine.

One thing to note, the brake light is also shared on this same circuit, so don't just cut the line and attach the new one, you need to splice into the existing line to be sure you keep your brake light!

I attribute my problem to the previous owner who installed some after market signals, and clearly was not an electrical engineer
I have the same problem.. but I have no idea how to "run a new circuit" as you put it.. Could you give a little more detail on how to fix this because my signals and flashers dont work and the fuse is fine so it should be the same thing.
The flasher relay is mixed in with the wiring harness that runs down the left side of the fairing.
ive got the fairing, tank, seat, and rear covers off and i dont see any relay.. the wires from the front go directly into the frame..

on a side note if you could tell me what this is supposed to plug into that would be great.
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Your turn signal relay is missing. It should be plugged into that.